The thing is, FrankJ’s not exactly joking.

Sort of. When he writes things like today’s quote of the day

That’s not to say I’m against there one day there being a one-world government and the elimination of borders. It’s just it has to happen by America conquering all other countries.

…he’s not actually seriously suggesting that we should go out and conquer the world. What he is seriously suggesting is that having a one-world government on any terms besides that of the USA’s is a bad idea. Which I happen to agree with, wholeheartedly.

Nothing personal, rest of the planet.

Crossposted to RedState.

President honored with coveted ‘Bilderberg lackey’ status.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) Personally, I think that Politico should have made it clear that Bilderberg-watchers pretty much plug in each new President’s name into their pet theories; feel free to fix the deliberately-broken (h ttp:// and check out the mindset of these sorts for yourself. Still, that just means that you aren’t anybody until you’ve been declared to be a tool of the Bilderbergers, Tri-Lats, CFRs, or anybody else in the NWO. Well done, President Obama; it’s an obscure sort of honor, but no less real for all that.

All that being said, I’m afraid that you will have to join the Freemasons. It’s… complicated.

Moe Lane

PS: If the topic interests – and it’s usually lots of fun, up to the point where somebody starts screaming about the Jews – I suggest that you start with Illuminoids: Secret Societies and Political Paranoia or A History Of Secret Societies.

Crossposted to RedState.