QotD, excellent advice edition.

From a New Hampshire Union Leader editorial crediting the Tea Party with ensuring that Senate Minority Leader McConnell would refuse to play ball on the Omnibus:

The truth is that without the constant vigilance currently provided by what can loosely be called the Tea Party movement, Republicans would be just as happy as Democrats to squander taxpayer money. They are only acting frugal now because they know they’re being closely watched, so keep watching.

For the rest of your lives, in fact: civic duty never ends.  Just in case nobody’s ever mentioned that.

(H/T: Real Clear Politics)

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh Omnibus/Tea Party/Schoolhouse Rock.

(Via Glenn Reynolds) The Foundry’s Conn Connell notes an interesting coincidence: yesterday’s abandonment of the Democrats’ last-gasp omnibus bill was also the anniversary of the original Boston Tea Party*.  Which has no real deeper meaning, in the greater scheme of things: except that it’s giving me an excuse to put up the video below.


Especially since I know that a certain category of my political opponents absolutely hates that video, usually with a certain amount of baffled bewilderment mixed in.

Moe Lane

*Which, by the way, took place in 1773.  I mention this because, well, we’ve had occasions where some folks on the Other Side had a little trouble with getting the date right.

Did you thank your Senator?

As Glenn Reynolds indirectly notes, our elected officials like to know when they’ve done something properly.  Without question, making Harry Reid back down on that appalling omnibus bill was a righteous act; so give your Senator a call and say thanks.  If both of them are Democrats, then give Senator McConnell a call and say thanks.

Note: “give a call and say thanks.”  Not “send them money,” “offer an oath of fealty,” “tattoo their names on your arm,” “pledge unto them your firstborn,” or even “promise never to say bad things about them ever again.” Especially don’t do that last one; you never know when somebody’s going to backslide.  But the other half of behavior modification is rewarding desired behaviors; and an attaboy costs you nothing.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Let me be preemptive: whatever.  Do it anyway.

#rsrh No Omnibus for you!

So I see that Harry Reid has suddenly realized that he doesn’t have the votes to put together a 1.1 trillion buck omnibus pork-extravaganza.  Ain’t that a shame.  I also got sent a link to this incredibly, amazingly, and absolutely hysterical kick-sand-in-their-faces from our esteemed Republican Senators:

Minutes later, in one of the most chortling colloquies of the 111th Congress, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) gloated over the defeat of the spending bill.

Kirk, the most junior member of the Senate asked, “Did we just win?”

McCain responded, “I think there’s very little doubt that the Majority Leader of the United States Senate would not have taken the action he just took if we didn’t have 41 votes to stop this monstrosity.”

Kirk continued, “so for economic conservatives, a 1,924-page bill just died?

“A 1,924-page bill just died,” McCain responded laughing.

Is it time for the Democratic party’s theme song? It is time for the Democratic party’s theme song.
Continue reading #rsrh No Omnibus for you!