Quote of the Day, You Volunteered To Write A Screenplay For Paul Verhoeven, Scooter McGee edition.

Don’t be surprised when that particular path takes you to weird places:

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Paul Verhoeven to screw up yet another genre film concept.

Wish he’d stop doing that: “Pathé Films and SBS Productions have released a first look image at the upcoming historical lesbian romantic drama Benedetta from famed Dutch director Paul Verhoeven (RoboCop, Starship Troopers, Elle).” RoboCop is good, if hilariously dated at this point; but it seems cruel to muck about with the ‘lesbian nun’ genre. Not to be too dirty-minded about this, but that genre has expectations.  Mostly involving the obvious, but there should be a fair bit of ritualized vestigial anti-Catholicism, as represented by a whipping or two.  I’m going to feel really, really bad for the guy who sees the description for this flick, notes that it was directed by the guy who did Showgirls — and then spends two hours wondering where the good bits are.

Some people should just stay in their damned lanes.