Harry Reid, pederasty, and the sudden defense of Rick Santorum.

[UPDATE: Random politeness requests that I note that Ethics Alarms has splutteringly responded to me.  Random professional pride suggests that I note that my “let’s add an ‘as-near-as-I-can-tell’ to that one” impulse did what it had to do: which is to say, handily avoid the need for a potentially embarrassing correction.  Random schadenfreude more or less demands that I cheerfully note that my larger message – that entire “self-absorbed, pretentious websites that hate hardcore social conservatives” thing – seems to have… hit the target pretty mostly on-target, nu?  It’s so nice to have them admit that you’ve had an impact.  Particularly when doing so rips off any… pretenses… that might have existed.]

Via Instapundit comes this shocked, shocked, tut-tutting examination of the recent unforced error that Harry Reid has found himself in. The background: it was recently demonstrated that the Senate Minority Leader was and is apparently able to lie in public and get away with it. Specifically, Reid demonstrated that he could make up a story about Mitt Romney evading his income tax – see here for a brutally precise examination of why anybody who believes this attack by Reid should not be allowed to operate heavy financial institutions – and be… not humiliated and shamed for it. Alas for Harry Reid, there is a critical mass of people who are currently unwilling to simply let things like this slide, which is why Harry Reid’s name is currently being linked with pederasty even as we speak. Also, apparently Reid was unprepared for this, which is why his office did not actually, well, deny the charges*.
Continue reading Harry Reid, pederasty, and the sudden defense of Rick Santorum.