Michael Gerson: our political class is exhausted. Me: they should go take a nap, then.

I don’t precisely disagree with Michael Gerson, here:

The budget agreement was passed by the House precisely because it was small — small in its discretionary spending increases, in its entitlement adjustments and in controversial ideological content. It was not a precedent for grand compromises on immigration or tax reform. We are seeing a truce in the budget wars, not the emergence of a centrist governing coalition.

Continue reading Michael Gerson: our political class is exhausted. Me: they should go take a nap, then.

Half the country thinks that Congress has rigged the system.

Rasmussen has a poll out that argues against the “people hate Congress but love their own congressman” meme.  Essentially, that explanation is beaten out 2-to-1 by “the fix is in:”

…23% believe members of Congress get reelected because they do a good job representing their constituents.

However, 50% believe the high reelection rates result from election rules that are “rigged to benefit members of Congress.” It is worth noting that the word “rigged” is a strong term included in this survey question. The fact that half the nation’s voters believe the election rules are “rigged” is a testament to the high levels of distrust in the country today.

28% aren’t sure, which is probably too high a number for comfort either way.
Continue reading Half the country thinks that Congress has rigged the system.