QotD, If You’re A SMART Democrat Then You’re Wincing Right Now edition.

President Obama, demonstrating a remarkably bad grasp of irony…

I don’t presume that because I won an election, that everybody suddenly agrees with me on any — everything. I’m more than familiar with all the literature about presidential overreach in second terms. We are very cautious about that.

…given that he is, after all, our first Hipster President.  Or perhaps it’s just an equally remarkably bad memory of current events.  You see, back in 2009 everybody in the Democratic party was aware that there was a terrible, terrible risk of the Democrats losing the House.  They were aware! They knew that it could happen!  It wouldn’t take them by surprise!  Annnnnnnd then 2010 rolled around, and just like clockwork the House flipped to the Republican party.  Because it turns out that merely carefully watching a sixteen ton weight descend towards your head doesn’t do a blessed thing about not getting hit by it.

Continue reading QotD, If You’re A SMART Democrat Then You’re Wincing Right Now edition.

QotD, I Shall Have A Little Drink Of Tequila Now edition.

My buddy Ben Domenech, trying to explain to a bemused GQ about how utterly useless this election was all around:

GQ: What the f*ck did we just do for the last year?

BD: Twelve minutes and two states. That’s what Mitt Romney and the Republicans got after Americans put in billions of dollars, millions of hours, thousands of signs, hundreds of rallies, and dozens of gaffes: two more states than John McCain, and twelve more minutes before the media called the election. The White House belongs to the Democrats, the governorships belong to the Republicans, the Congress is divided, and everything else in Washington pretty much stayed the same, too. This was the Red Queen’s race, a death race between which out-of-touch technocrat we wanted running things, sprinting like mad just to stand still. We could’ve just kept our money and flipped a coin. Maybe Alexander Hamilton was right when he wanted to make George Washington a king—Bill Clinton would still be ruling the land with a grin and a laugh, surrounded by palm frond-waving interns. I hope you’re happy, America.

Continue reading QotD, I Shall Have A Little Drink Of Tequila Now edition.

QotD, This Isn’t Working Out The Way Obama Expected edition.

Ace of Spades HQ, on what must be a shock to the Obama campaign:

Months ago Obama was proclaiming this to be the most consequential election of our lifetimes. Now he’s desperately trying to distract people from that reality. He doesn’t want people to treat the election as consequential anymore, perhaps because people have decided they fear the Consequences of Obama more than the Consequences of Romney.

What entertains me most is that, four years ago, Obama for America successfully managed to deflect more or less every serious question about Obama’s foreign or domestic policy with an airy Oh, that’s on the website if you really want to look at it.  Annoying, that was; and I’d rather have had the Republican win last time rather than watch OfA squirm now.  But I’ll be blessed if it isn’t entertaining to see the universe whale on the Democrats now with the metaphorical Two-by-Four of Karma.

#rsrh QotD, …My Response Is NSFW.

So Barack Obama went onto a friendly news venue – The Daily Show – and in the process of being reassured that yeah, everything’s going great for him right now, said this about Benghazi:

According to the Daily Mail’s Toby Harnden, who first broke the story, Obama replied: “Here’s what I’ll say. If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.”

Fine. Here’s what I’ll say: go fuck yourself, Mr. President.

#rsrh QotD, Creeping Theocracy Hopefully Creeping BACK edition.

Ace is brutally honest:

The fusion of religion and politics has in fact been every bit as deleterious as the liberals always warned us.  It’s just that they were the ones who actually fused God and President.

Annnd that’s pretty much it.  I had more, but I’m not exactly sure what it was, to be honest.

QotD, Is @BarackObama a FOOL? edition.

I ask because of this quote from the Wall Street Journal:

“[Barack Obama] has a rap he uses all the time on the campaign trail about this being the election that will break the stalemate in Washington. But when you look at it, it sounds like he’s just talking about getting him re-elected,” Mr. Hickey said.

The background here is that Barack Obama is becoming infamous for his lack of support for other, theoretically-fellow Democrats – to the point where he doesn’t even bother to mention the local ones in his local speeches, explicitly including the ones running for re-election.  And the subtext here is that “Mr. Hickey” is Roger Hickey, “co-director of the liberal advocacy group Campaign for America’s Future.”  You know it’s bad when reliable Democratic shills are making the same observations about a Democratic candidate that I would.

#rsrh QotD, Would That I Could Say The Same edition.

Because there’s a part of me that envies the man for his ability to get away from all of this sh*t.

“I crawled out of the swamp, and I’m not crawling back in,” [George W Bush] said in a rare interview with the Hoover Institution this year.

(H/T: @jimgeraghty) Goodness knows that Bush deserves retirement and all that; and that his job was eight years’ worth of killing stress. Still, it’d be nice not to have to care about what the hell they’re up to, down there in Dizzy City…

#rsrh QotD, I Had Some Excellent BBQ once in… Middlesboro? Edition.

(H/T: @jstrevino) The Wall Street Journal is having considerable fun eviscerating some goofball named Chuck Thompson, who has apparently written a book whose thesis, writing style, and indeed favorite anecdotes can be deduced from the title (“Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Case for Southern Secession”), but I’d like to note this paragraph, just for the purposes of character assassination.

You begin to sense that something is seriously awry when the author, evidently unable to find enough cranks and simpletons to fill out a whole book on the South, keeps looking beyond the Confederacy’s borders for material. First he zings House Speaker John Boehner for some offense. Isn’t Rep. Boehner from Ohio? Yes, from Cincinnati, but that’s just across the Ohio River from Kentucky, so he counts as a Southerner. We hear about a public-school teacher who urges his students to believe the Bible infallible. This takes place in Cleveland, but because the teacher had once attended a seminary in Kentucky, it’s an instance of Southern “biblical literalism” infecting the entire country. Mr. Thompson derides U.S. Rep. John Shimkus for citing Genesis as a reason not to worry about global warming. Isn’t Mr. Shimkus from Illinois? Yes, but he is from “an area of southern Illinois settled almost entirely by farmers from Kentucky.” By the book’s halfway point, it’s clear that Mr. Thompson’s problem with Southerners isn’t that they are insular, angry or prone to illusions. It’s that, with exceptions, their political views are insufficiently left-wing.

Or else Thompson’s problem may simply be that the South includes Kentucky, which is apparently the state where the girl/boy/other* that broke Thompson’s heart originally hails from… what?  I am being polite.  Why, I haven’t once suggested that the situation that soured Thompson on Kentucky forever involved an aborted financial transaction…

#rsrh QotD, Paul Ryan The Wisconsin Ninja edition.

The most entertaining part of this story about Paul Ryan’s journey to the VP nomination: the candidate’s evasion of the media, the night before.

Ryan returned home in the early afternoon and went inside through the back as he was locked out of his side door, telling reporters who stood watching on the sidewalk he must have forgotten his keys. That would be the last time anyone saw the congressman in Janesville, because sometime after 3 p.m., he exited his home into the back yard (where reporters couldn’t see) and went into the woods.

“I grew up in those woods. The house I grew up in backs up to the house I live in, so I know those woods like the back of my hand. So it wasn’t too hard to walk through them. So I just went out my back door, went through the gully in the woods I grew up playing in. I walked past the tree that has my own tree fort I built back there,” Ryan said.

Hey, Democrats, don’t feel so ashamed: why, I hear that Joe Biden once had to stand in line for the Amtrak dining car for a whole hour.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Paul Ryan The Wisconsin Ninja edition.

#rsrh QotD, English Majors Will Appreciate This One Most edition.

Tim Cavanaugh of Reason.com, on watching Obama supporters freak out trying to minimize the impact of the stupid sh… stuff… the President says:

The popularization of Derridaian post-modernism since the 1990s has generally been a lot of fun, turning mainstream Americans into sharp observers of signs and meaning who are sure that either there’s nothing outside the text or everything is outside the text or both. But at some point it helps to look at that thing above the subtext, which is generally known as “the text.”

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, English Majors Will Appreciate This One Most edition.