#rsrh QotD, I Associate Myself With The Gentleman From Georgia’s Remarks edition.

My RS colleague and friend Erick Erickson, on the latest manufactured outrageous outrage coming out from Team Obama:

Mitt Romney has released his tax records. He has not released enough to satisfy Team Obama or the media. Frankly, I think he should release them going back a ways. But if I were Romney, I would not release them until Barack Obama released his college transcripts. It’s one more thing about Barack Obama we don’t know and frankly, it’d just be fun to watch Obama squirm.

Mind you: I don’t care if the tax records get released. I’m all about the ‘watching Obama squirm.’

#rsrh QotD, Not That Obama’s All That Likeable edition.

Well, Obama’s not very likeable to me.  It’s the way that the man keeps lashing out with all those insults masking a profound insecurity and guilty self-awareness that he was not, in point of fact, really prepared to be President of the United States of America.  Or Senator from Illinois.  Heck, there are days when the man must wake up and wonder what the hell he did in the Illinois legislature, because Obama can’t remember any of it.  They just gave him papers to sign, and my god what if one of those papers had bad stuff on it sure the infanticide one didn’t get any play but McCain didn’t like to fight and they’ll bring that up again and maybe there’s other stuff out there that nobody saw the first time…

I can say all of that because I’m not, of course, totally neurotic myself or anything.


Where was I? Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Not That Obama’s All That Likeable edition.

#rsrh QotD, I Thought That The Left Was Supposed To Be GOOD At Agitprop edition.

George Lakoff, while in the process of still trying to peddle his ‘framing’ nonsense, came up with this rather puerile try-to-define-the-terms exercise:

The basic idea behind democracy in America is the idea that citizens care about each other; that they act socially as well as individually to cash out that care, and they try to do as well as they can in doing that both for themselves and for others.

NO, you inept fool of a propagandist. The basic idea behind democracy in America is the idea that it is possible to create a political framework where various groups, movements, and individuals can contribute to a shared debate on how to best determine a policy response to events; and that said response will be considered legitimate by everybody, including the people that lost the debate. Whether people ‘care’ for each other is immaterial: they can despise each other all that they like, just as long as nobody is writing up a proscription list.

Of course, taking this position raises a hell of a lot of awkward questions about why the Democratic party decided to ram the ‘stimulus’ and Obamacare down our throats.  Not to mention their utter refusal to even pass a budget.  Which is why Lakoff is trying to redefine the rhetorical rules of the game.

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, Dang, But This Shoe Pinches edition.

(Via Instapundit) Molly Ball, after spending several paragraphs detailing Lefty panic over the way that there seem to be a lot of people out there who are willing to throw money at the current problem of a Democrat-controlled government until it goes away, then went and deflated the whole outrageously outraged outrage with one sentence:

To Republicans, who watched Obama raise and spend more than twice as much as John McCain did in 2008, Democrats’ whining that all this money is somehow unfair is rather rich.

Yes.  Yes, it is.

#rsrh QotD, I Kind Of Dispute Charlie Cook Here edition.

Charlie’s going over some of the details about the upcoming election (short version: it’s about the economy, and Obama’s behind the eight ball), and more or less finishes up:

Unless the Obama team can discredit Romney, though, convincing voters that he is a ruthless, uncaring corporate buccaneer, this will be a hard election to win.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, I Kind Of Dispute Charlie Cook Here edition.

#QOTD, An Unsettling Line From @Instapundit Edition.

In reaction to Walter Russell Mead’s post about the latest round of (presumably) Muslim violence against Christians in Nigeria, Glenn Reynolds writes:

While the Knights Templar slouch toward Rome, waiting to be reborn.

Judging from the literary reference embodied by ‘slouch,’ Glenn does not wish* to see another Crusade; and neither do I.  Neither does, I think, Pope Benedict XVI.  But the final decision of whether there will be one is not exactly in any of our hands. Including the Pope’s: most of the Christians in Africa are going to be indifferent at best towards the opinions of the head of the Roman Catholic Church…

Moe Lane

*Note the verb choice.

#rsrh QotD, You Ain’t So Tough, Barack Obama Edition.

Nameless Romney guy, on how they keep managing to throw Team Obama off of its stride:

One of Romney’s communication strategists says that while he’s not counting chickens before they’ve hatched, he’s pleasantly surprised by how flatfooted the Obama camp has proven on these breaking stories. “They have 700 people in Chicago — 50 percent of their staff is social media,” the strategist says. “I’m afraid to be happy about it, because they can’t be this weak. . . . I wonder if some of this comes from the attitude: ‘How dare anyone question our commitment to women’s issues? We own women’s issues; no one can ever outmaneuver us on this.’ That kind of attitude invites you to get embarrassed.”

It may be even simpler than that: Team Obama has apparently never learned the cosmic truth embedded in Rocky IV.  Or at least, never thought that it might apply to them.

Game on.