Book of the Week: THE WINDS OF FATE.

THE WINDS OF FATE (sequel to Steve Stirling’s time-travel novel TO TURN THE TIDE) is coming out in a few months, but the first two chapters are up on his main site. Fair warning: this is not going to be a sentimentalized version of the Roman Empire. These folks have yet to have their version of the Enlightenment. You Have Been Warned.


SM Stirling’s short-short “The Rivals” is up on

The Rivals” is from the (future) sequel to upcoming SM Stirling’s Roman time travel novel TO TURN THE TIDE. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but that’s fine. I was wondering what the long-term conflict was going to be in that series, given that the good guys from TTTT had [oops, spoilers]. This new wrinkle will definitely complicate their lives interestingly, in the long run…


Been chewing through the TO TURN THE TIDE e-ARC.

Steve Stirling’s latest: time travel back to Roman Empire, just before things went really, really bad for it. Read it quickly once already, am now savoring it a second time. Note: it is good, fast-paced, and utterly unsentimental over how bad the Roman Empire can be, once you got on its bad side. Mind you, the German tribes in the Marcomannic Wars were a good deal worse.

You can grab TO TURN THE TIDE over at Baen, or wait for it to come out on Amazon. Dealer’s choice.

SM Stirling’s ISLAND IN THE SEA OF TIME trilogy gets optioned for television.

As Steve notes here, that doesn’t always mean that the show gets made. But it does mean that the author gets paid. I’m very much in favor of authors getting paid.

Moe Lane

PS: The Island series, for those who haven’t read it, is a time-travel/alternate history romp where the island of Nantucket (and the Coast Guard cutter Eagle) get permanently sent back to the Bronze Age. Wars, cultural uplift, and associated hijinks ensue. The books are a lot of fun, and sparked any number of imitators. Read them, if you haven’t yet.

PPS: Oh, I’m sure Hollywood will screw it all up. However, now that I am a writer of books myself I must admit that Charged all that the traffic would bear covers a multitude of sins, or at least literary outrages. Cash on the barrel-head, as Robert Anton Wilson used to say. Make ’em pay through the nose for the privilege, says I.


Chapter 1 of SM Stirling’s TO TURN THE TIDE is up!

TO TURN THE TIDE is Steve Stirling’s new Roman time travel novel, and he put the first chapter up on his website. I’m looking forward to reading it – and I don’t know what’s going on with his Black Chamber novel THE WARLORD OF THE STEPPES, sorry. I think there’s a problem with the publisher, but I haven’t really asked around. Still, this should be cool.


Been looking forward to this one: CONAN: BLOOD OF THE SERPENT is Steve Stirling’s latest, and it’s finally out. Obviously, it’s a Conan story: it has Valeria in it, and the publisher included “Red Nails” in the book so you can read it next. I’ve read far enough into it already that I figure I’m going to highly enjoy the rest.