Dare I hope… for no more snow days?

I don’t know why they’ve been so utterly disruptive of my own schedule, but here we are. It’s particularly funky because this is midterms week, and my eldest has absolutely no idea which subject he’s supposed to be studying for tomorrow. There are arguably five different possibilities, depending on which email you take seriously. We ended up figuring out which one would be the toughest for him, and have him study that.

Moe Lane

PS: His school district is actually pretty level-headed and with-it on stuff. They just got profoundly unlucky in their scheduling this year, that’s all.

Snow Day!

Otherwise known as, Nothing Got Done Day! I mean, I got a nap in, and made sure my kids were caught up on stuff. I also did a Patreon creators-themed Zoom call that was very interesting, although I think I did something funky to my Discord in the meantime*. So not a completely useless day, but not a productive one, either.

Well, I can do some stuff tonight, hopefully. [EDIT: Or I can spend the evening straightening out homework in the face of the kids having tomorrow off, too. Yay.]

Moe Lane

*Actually, I did not. Something funky was done to an existing Discord account that had my phone number; said account has been discontinued, making it impossible to use for verification, and the Internet is full of aggravated threads effectively going No, you’re never going to get this fixed, so you might as well get a new phone number or use your spouse’s because Discord doesn’t give a [expletive deleted].

More snow tonight…

…and another two hour delay for school tomorrow. My kids are kind of holding out hope for a full snow day, but who knows? The weather people are starting to sound like we should be able to miss the worst bits, and my county doesn’t particularly want to shut down the schools anyway. And yes, I’m grateful for that.

Besides, the important thing is, my kids got their homework done anyway. That way there’s no surprises, and they can zone out a little when the teachers lecture the rest of the class about being prepared.

I mention all of this because that’s a large part of what I’ve been dealing with, tonight. Oh, and THE STARS ARE WRONG got rejected! Impressively fast, too. So I sent it right back out again. It’s good for me, really.

Moe Lane

Snow day!

They closed the schools, they closed the rest of the federal government in DC, and it’s been a free and easy morning of pancakes and bacon.  And now comes the time of the clean-stuff-up.  It was even a respectable amount of snow, too.

So… open thread, I guess.  Not that I really have closed ones.

*Another* snow day.

This one is somewhat less teeth-grinding than yesterday’s.

They’re saying three to five inches, the high end of which is respectable for the Northeast. I still think that we could have safely gotten the little darlings packed off to school yesterday, but nobody asked me.

Oh, I will be Grumpy Moe today…