Honestly, I think THE SECRET WORLD is better suited for a points-based system like SAVAGE WORLDS than it would be for a level-based one like 5e. This particular Kickstarter is over in a week, and it lacks the special ‘put your PC in the game’ option that I gleefully put in the other one. Does that mean my character will be recycled for the new system? …Probably not, but I won’t be mad if they do end up doing that.
Tag: the secret world
The Secret World for Savage Worlds Kickstarter.
I kind of prefer The Secret World for Savage Worlds over the version for D&D. I’m more likely to play a Savage Worlds game, after all – at least, I’m more likely to play one in person, and/or at a convention. My virtual Sunday game is gonna be on Spelljammer for a good while yet.
They’re extending the late backer option on THE SECRET WORLD RPG…
…just to tonight. The Backerkit itself will close on June 30th. So if you want in on THE SECRET WORLD Kickstarter, you are running out of time…
Preorders for The Secret World RPG (5e) are open!
This is the one where I traded in all my Christmas and birthday credits to have my main Secret World Legends MMO character be immortalized, in-game. Totally worth it – well, it’s totally worth it to me. Other people can have different opinions on the subject.
Three more days on The Secret World TTRPG Kickstarter!
It’s done very well – most TTRPG Kickstarters do, which is something I’m thinking about – and there’s three days to go. I’m rooting for it not least because I really want FunCom to throw more resources at the MMO, which remains one of my major social activities. I have a raid scheduled for later, in fact.
…Oh, I’m sorry. Did I shout that out? My bad. Anyway, the SECRET WORLD RPG Kickstarter is actually at $101K, which is hardly shabby for a $40K project. I look forward to the next stretch goal, although not nearly as much I look forward TO GETTING THE TOKYO DUNGEONS AND THE FUSANG PvP BOARD BACK, FUNCOM…
Sorry! Sorry!
Some more details about the Secret World TT RPG:
The SECRET WORLD TTRPG Kickstarter is live! And I regret nothing!
Nothing, you hear me?!? Nothing!
Moe Lane
PS: By the way, it would be really cool if everybody in the world bought my books, now. I know, I know, it would always be really cool – but right now there is perhaps a little urgency involved.
The THE SECRET WORLD RPG Kickstarter Launch Video.
The Secret World RPG Kickstarter starts next week. Hopefully it’ll fund without any trouble, but obviously Star Anvil isn’t taking any chances. Here’s the launch video: it’s gonna be a great setting, I think. It certainly is for the MMO.
THE SECRET WORLD TTRPG Kickstarter is scheduled for October.
I expect to be backing this. I am mildly surprised that Anvil Studios is using 5e for THE SECRET WORLD; but I am also reassured. 5e is what most people play: it’s not my own favorite system, but it’s a decent one and the more people who play TSW on paper, the more people who will go check out the Secret World Legends MMO. The more revenue FunCom gets, the more new stuff we’ll get.
That’s pretty much how it goes.