#rsrh Meet Tim Cavanaugh, Obama supporter/concern troll.

Busily attacking Mitt Romney, in the guise of feeling kind of sorry for him because the press is bizarrely treating Romney like the incumbent while giving Obama a pass.  Which is true, but Cavanaugh has pretty much no business saying anything: after all, he helped put us in this mess in the first place by helping to get Barack Obama elected in 2008*.

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

*Oh, I’m sure that it was a miniscule amount of help.  But it was still an amount.  I voted and stumped for the other guy; and I was smart to do so, because Cavanaugh’s guy turned out to be an, ah, ‘complete disaster.’

I got nothing against Libertarians, per se, but sometimes some of ’em don’t seem to get that elections have consequences.

#rsrh QotD, English Majors Will Appreciate This One Most edition.

Tim Cavanaugh of Reason.com, on watching Obama supporters freak out trying to minimize the impact of the stupid sh… stuff… the President says:

The popularization of Derridaian post-modernism since the 1990s has generally been a lot of fun, turning mainstream Americans into sharp observers of signs and meaning who are sure that either there’s nothing outside the text or everything is outside the text or both. But at some point it helps to look at that thing above the subtext, which is generally known as “the text.”

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, English Majors Will Appreciate This One Most edition.

#rsrh Tim Cavanaugh laughs at Obama. WHO HE ENDORSED.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.  On the one hand, this post is from September; on the other hand, I fully agree that it still applies.  And on the gripping hand, Cavanaugh really should not have to keep having this explained to him…

I’m so pleased that the fellow from Reason.com is enjoying watching Barack Obama get kicked around:

Still, Obama’s fast fade is satisfying to see. After the sordid backstairs intrigue that brought us the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act over the objections of most Americans; after the automotive bailout and Cash for Clunkers and the unbelievably negligent expenditure of $787 billion in failed stimulus; after the expansion of the war on drugs and the illegal war in Libya; after his stubborn refusal to change course after the Democrats got clobbered in the mid-term elections, this couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. It’s always good for America when a presidency runs out of steam, and Obama’s gift is to have had that happen after only three years.

I had a longer screed penned, but it all boiled down to “Being a functional adult, I didn’t care for Tim Cavanaugh’s reasons for voting for Obama in 2008: so I don’t particularly care for Cavanaugh’s laughter at a situation in 2011 that he himself helped to create.”  So I deleted all of that.  Shame, really: it included a bit about Libertarians, keepers, and coming in out of the rain…

Moe Lane