I’m not really joking about TINSEL RAIN prices maybe going up, mind you.

Amazon’s cost-per-book is likely to rise, which means that book prices will rise, too. I can’t do much about it, if/when it happens. Except, you know, add a buck or so to the book price. I don’t wanna, but expenses are gonna go up across the board.

Talked with my editor on TINSEL RAIN.

Based on that conversation, I am hoping for a publication date for TINSEL RAIN of some time in mid-May. That will depend on the Kickstarter going off without a hitch, but we’re halfway through and doing fine, so I think it’s a reasonable hope. Right now, the two major things I need to do after getting the editing finished is to get the map updated and the cover design squared away. Both of those are easy enough to arrange, if you’re willing to pay professional rates. And I am.

Will I have TINSEL RAIN in time for Balticon? …Maybe, maybe not. But I will have it in time for Fright Reads, and that’s pretty good. I do like fulfilling my Kickstarter obligations as early as possible.

Two weeks in on TINSEL RAIN: 40% of the way to the audiobook stretch goal!

This means, obviously, that the project has already funded – so the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter is going really well right now. We’re chugging along on getting to the short story sampler stretch goal, too – that’s at 74% – and almost at 18% for the goal that will give BACKERS an EXTRA BOOK!

So, you know: tell all your friends. Heck, tell your rivals. They might be cool people, outside of that. I try not to get involved in fights I’ve got no business being in.

Book of the Week: TINSEL RAIN (Now would be an awesome time to back the Kickstarter, btw).

I’m using this as an excuse to talk about the future publication schedule of TINSEL RAIN. The short version is, the Kickstarter is going well enough that I might be able to pay the editor early. I’ve already paid for the cover art, which means that the remaining expenses besides the editing are an updated map, book layout, and a tip for the cover artist. Oh, and the physical books for signing and distribution. Can’t forget those.

Continue reading Book of the Week: TINSEL RAIN (Now would be an awesome time to back the Kickstarter, btw).

Annnnd TINSEL RAIN is off to the editor!

Given how well the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter is going, I’m comfortable with starting the process. I will have to hold off on getting the map updated and a book cover designed, but those are both relatively straightforward jobs. I’ll need the text edited before I can get the cover done anyway, because of page count issues.

It was a slow day, mostly because it’s the first day of the month. I’m always slow to get back into the swing of things on the first. I always feel slow, and vaguely listless. Possibly I need to manage my time better?

First, and successful, week done on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter.

Looking at the numbers… TINSEL RAIN is definitely outperforming TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION and is not too far off from FROZEN DREAMS at this point of the cycle in terms of revenue, although I had more backers at this stage for the latter. I figure that’s to be expected: the first book had a lot of people showing up to support me actually, wow, writing a novel and everything. The drop-off from the first to the second Kickstarter was instructive, although I did wonder how much of that was due to the first book being a novel and the second being a short story collection. Preliminary results comparing TALES and TINSEL RAIN suggests that it is a factor. I guess it really is true: novels sell better than short stories. God knows the latter is far more of a buyer’s market.

Anyway, good first week, and now I have to find new places to get people to see the Kickstarter. :brightly: Suggestions welcome!


Well, back from Farpoint.

It was… not as successful as I would have liked. I didn’t quite make my table fee back; I’m not sure whether this was because the site was more science fiction than fantasy/horror, or because the venue didn’t attract as many people this year as they usually do, or just stuff going on. Don’t get me wrong, I sold books, and I came close to breaking even on the table: but I was honestly hoping for more business.

Ach, well. It was good info to have. I’m already doing better than the average; it seems ungrateful to too badly want to be doing yet better still.

Moe Lane

PS: Kickstarter! Which is going well. So spread the word!

TINSEL RAIN Update: I wonder… how do people feel about bookplates?

I did some pricing for them* and the cost isn’t too bad for custom-made ones. But I’m essentially doing softcovers here. Would people be interested in signed bookplates featuring one of these designs, do you think? Either as part of the Kickstarter, or as something I just sell to folks buying my books on Amazon? The answer can be no.

Continue reading TINSEL RAIN Update: I wonder… how do people feel about bookplates?