Tweet of the Day, And It Was Glorious edition.

I couldn’t catch the game, because I was at a Cub Scout dinner, and NONE of us wanted to be there. They should have put the game on. I’m still steamed about that, but not as much as I am that they announced the Soviet score first, to make us think that we had lost the game.

Bastards. No, I’m never letting that go. NEVER!

Moe Lane

PS: I assume that you all have Miracle, of course.

Tweet of the Day, To Be A Mets Fan Is To Be Initiated In The Mysteries Of Despair edition.

This team. This goram team. But somebody’s gotta root for them — and, no, you can’t quit being a Mets fan, in much the same way that you can’t quit being somebody whose ancestors were all from Innsmouth and they all had wicked bad skin conditions.

Tweet of the Day, It Works Both Ways edition.

I’m very pleased with this trick. It works just as well when somebody doesn’t actually know the answer.

Automated message systems can’t quite manage the ‘What kind of weird question is that?’ response, you see. At least, not yet. So it’s quite useful.

Tweet of the Day, No, I Tide 02/02/2020 edition.

It’s a pathetic palindrome – I can’t be good at everything involving writing – but at least they’re all words in English.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, No, I Tide 02/02/2020 edition.