@charlescwcooke pulls off the most epic Twitter backhand you will see today.

This is the kind of backhand that uses the hand that wears the most rings. Because chipping a tooth is the goal.

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@Voxdotcom… has no idea of what Japanese popular culture is like, does it?

I mean, yeah, that Avril Lavigne video* is pretty dumb, but this Ann Althouse commenter here has the right of it:

If examined closely Japanese popular culture would explode the brain of the average political correctness warrior in the USA.

Here is a not entirely atypical example, chosen partially because the artist (Kyary Pamyu Pamyu) is both popular and known for her adoption of Western styles and themes – but mostly because it is, by our standards, highly insane:

(WARNING! What is once seen, cannot be unseen!)

I look forward with some interest to see people on the Left start yelling about her.  It would certainly fit in with their somewhat parochial world-view… or would, except that the people most exercised about cultural appropriation somehow manage to also take the curiously intellectually incoherent position that only the West is advanced enough to be held accountable for its actions.  Don’t ask me: I’m not part of that particular Sphere of Epistemic Closure.

Continue reading @Voxdotcom… has no idea of what Japanese popular culture is like, does it?

Voxxie @sarahkliff abruptly goes 180 degrees on Census changes.

Point (11:43 AM, Sarah Cliff):

Counter-point (12:21 PM, …Sarah Kliff): “Don’t freak out about the changes to the Census yet“.

Continue reading Voxxie @sarahkliff abruptly goes 180 degrees on Census changes.

Quote of the Day, I Don’t Trust Cargo Cults edition.

John Sexton, noting why he thinks that Ezra Klein’s new Vox… thingy… may not live up to the hype:

Whatever the case, technology is not capable of adding to or subtracting from the list of things that interest human beings.

It’s a relevant quote because, as near as I can tell, the entire concept of Vox orbits around the idea that producing a service (Big Wonkery, essentially) will generate a demand for it. In this particular case, I kind of doubt it …no, not because Jeff Bezos passed on it.  Klein asking for at least ten million guarantees it.  No, the reason that I kind of doubt it is because Bezos didn’t turn around and do the idea himself for about one million.

Because if he did, it’d be honestly more likely to work.

Moe Lane