This is very sad:
Tag: washingcon
So WashingCon *will* return.
That’s good to hear. God willing, it will also be in the old spot, because I’m not thrilled about doing that event in downtown DC. I’m contemplating doing AwesomeCon this year, because the Howard County Comic-Con has been canceled, but the location of the former does not appeal.
So, I guess no WashingCon this year?
The website‘s not been updated for 2023 and social media is silent: I don’t think WashingCon is on for this year. If so, that’s a shame. I missed it last year because of timing issues, and that was a shame. I had a good time running RPGs there, and I actually got to run games I never would have, otherwise.
Moe Lane
PS: I hate to be That Guy, but I recommend that conventions relax their mandatory masking policies. I know, I know: nobody asked me. But I think it’s time.
Huh. I think I’m going to pass on Costume Con.
Costume Con never got back to me, and now that I’ve taken a look at the vending fees I’m rethinking it anyway. $200 is actually not unreasonable for a table, but I’m not sure I’d make it back in sales for a costume-based convention. Science fiction or gamer convention? Sure. This? Not so sure.
And… actually, WashingCon is the week before, so never mind. Shoot, I wonder if I can still sign up to run some games…
WashingCon back on for 2022.
March 26-27, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in DC. Which is incidentally going to be a stone-cold pain in the ass to drive to (I’m a vendor now, remember?), but you can’t have everything. Worst-case scenario, I just run a few games as usual.
Hrm. What to run, what to run?
No @WashingCon this year.
Not because of the coronavirus: they’re instead going to be switching venues for WashingCon to downtown, which means that they’re going to need an additional six months to get everything squared away. Ach, well. It would admittedly be nice for many people to be able to take the Metro in, although I liked the necessity of getting a hotel room if I wanted to run games both days. Downtown DC hotel rooms are… not cheap.
Back from @WashingCon.
Games went well. I had a reader come to play! — but I don’t remember his handle, just his real name, so I don’t want to say that because privacy and stuff. The Ragnarok game went four hours and the Fantasy Trip one finished up a little early; I think that people had a good time.
And I am goram beat. I spent a day being social and whatnot, and I’m apparently an introvert or something, because I feel drained now. I’m gonna eat the cornflake-breaded chicken that my wife is making for me and then I’m going to get the laundry in and then I may go to bed early. Or at least zone out on the couch. I feel that this is an exciting plan that will really cement the weekend for me.
Ran today’s first thing at @WashingCon.
Lego escape room. All four of the players were old hands at escape rooms, and I am apparently not; they were figuring out this stuff a lot faster than I would have, so I didn’t have to bother with feeding them hints and stuff. I *believe* that they all had a good time; I did, although it wasn’t the good time that I was expecting. I was expecting to have them chisel through walls and stuff and kill monsters and suchlike, but they didn’t seem into that and one of the GM’s jobs is to not get in the way of other people’s fun.
Besides, if I do it again next year I WILL run a Lego Dungeon; and that will be the body-horror surreal run of my fever-dreams. This, I swear.
Gotta go get ready for WashingCon.
Light posting today and tomorrow. Hopefully, the games will go well. Hopefully.
Prepping away, prepping away…
…I think that I am actually in a better headspace than normal for at least two of this weekend’s WashingCon games. I ran one of the two for a bunch of folks last weekend, and now I know what the pacing on that should be; and the other one has all the character sheets and the cheat sheets printed out at this point, so I’ll just wing the rest like I do. It’s the third game that’s still a little anxious-making, but I figure that I can slam the wall on that one and hope for the best.
So, now I just have to pack stuff.