Definition of ‘resoundingly, intensely, and remarkably ignorant’…

staging a protest where a handful of black people* burn an American flag in front of a statue of John C Calhoun.  That’s just dumb on multiple levels.  Do they not teach American history any mor… wait, right, they don’t teach American history anymore. Silly me.

Seriously, if you’re scratching your head on this… why are you even reading this site?  Go look up Calhoun on, geez, even Wikipedia will help you understand.  Dear Lord, but I appreciate parochial school more and more as I get older…

Moe Lane

*With the obligatory White Dude, because inserting oneself into a trendy protest happening is Stuff White People Like.

Tweet of the Day, This Might Make Your Ears Bleed edition.

And for once it’s not political!

I know at least three people that I must never, ever show this to, lest they have an aneurysm.

So, let’s talk about how this over-enthusiastic Obama vandal messed up his message.

Because there are, oh, so many ways. Going down the list:

  • It is stupid to vandalize cars (keyed, seats slashed, messages scratched in hoods).
  • It is even stupider to vandalize cars in order to send a political message.
  • It is blindingly stupid to vandalize cars and sign your work with the name of your favored candidate.
  • It is transcendentally stupid to do all of this on somebody that you don’t even know.
  • That’s because you might target somebody who is actually voting for Obama.
  • That person may just be living with his Romney-supporting in-laws*.
  • And that person may have to live with his in-laws because THE ECONOMY SUCKS and he can’t find a job.
  • Getting back to the first idiot: I don’t know that the guy also stole a GPS unit from another car nearby, but judging from the previous events in this Carnival Of Stupidity it’s a reasonable bet to make.
  • And finally: the fool did not wear gloves.

On behalf of the Republican party and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, I would like to NOT say ‘thank you’ to whoever did this.  That would imply that we approve of people acting like half-savage man-children, which we most certainly do not.

Moe Lane

*Who are now probably pointing out to the Obama voter all of this.