Personally, I worry about the rampant secularism involved.

Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse?

After all, nods to demonic infestation via the undead menace are all very well, but I feel that our video game makers are relying too much on the crutch of zombies to fulfill their supernatural liability requirements. Don’t get me wrong, I think that putting down walking corpses is a useful life skill, but there’s more to combating the ravening forces of Hell than that. We need to avoid falling prey to faddishness.

Pride and Prejudice… and Zombies.

No, really.

510xxfxxxgl_sl500_aa240_Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a real book, and it’s coming out in April, whereupon I will buy it.  They’re making the argument that the original book is actually quite amenable to being updated with zombies added, which makes perfect sense to me: everything is better with zombies added, after all.  The absolutely best part?  They’re talking movie scripts right now.

NO.  REALLY: Continue reading Pride and Prejudice… and Zombies.

I Brake For Zombies.

No, really. The damn things have the mass of a living human, remember? Try to barrel through a crowd of them and you end up crashing the car, which probably means that you’ll break a window, and then it’s all over for you, Sparky. If you absolutely can’t go around, just take your foot off of the gas pedal, get down to three miles an hour, and keep swerving the wheel left and right to sort of nudge the undead hordes out of the way. With any luck, none of them will have the leverage needed to smash the glass. With even more luck, they’ll not smell your tasty, tasty brains in the first place.

…this is what I think of, typically, when I see stories like:

Construction signs warn of zombies
Hackers change public safety message

This is simply the sort of person that I am, and everybody around me has had to learn to accept that.

Moe Lane

PS: The Zombie Survival Guide doesn’t think you should drive at all.  To which I say, try transporting more than 10 lb. of looted medical materials to your isolated fortress on a bicycle and see how far you get.

PPS: Heh.  I guess that AoSHQ was saving this story for Saturday, too.  Theirs have more pictures.

Back to the Romero thing…

…actually, there’s no reason why you should be interested in that.  But in the process I ran across’s Zombies topic page, and it’s pretty tasty, in a braaaaaaaaaiinnnnnnns sort of way.  A little graphic in places, not least of which is the video where a zombie takes on a shark with martial arts moves.

No, really.