I’ve got this weird urge to come up with a urban fantasy RPG setting with a heavy Eighties aesthetic. One where all the bards sound like this. And no, I have no idea where to start, either. That’s why I haven’t written it yet.
Depends on your sensibilities and what you mean by “all the bands sound like this”, but a fair amount listenable synth-pop came out of the early 80s.
The entire Age of Plastic album is actually pretty good, if you like “Video Killed the Radio Star”. (Their followup album Adventures in Modern Recording is sadly forgettable, tho.)
The two main guys actually joined up with Yes to record an album (Drama) which is… well, I’ll just say I like it and leave it at that. Check out Tempus Fugit from Drama if you’re curious.
I suppose you have a couple of options for an 80s-themed RPG setting. The first would be a world that had advanced to the asthetic/technological level of the 80s, perhaps with magic replacing some of the 80s tech. Perhaps a magic-powered Commodore 64, and things like that.
The second would be a more conventional world that had its development arrested by the emergence of magic. Something like Rifts or Shadowrun. You could just do an 80s themed Shadowrun campaign and save yourself a lot of extra toil.
I suppose a third possibility would be an alternate world that had absorbed 80s’ American culture. Imagine breakdancing as a form of battle magic…that sort of thing.
That third possibility is literally illustrated in the webcomic Erfworld.
As a clueless Pre-teen in the 80s I attempted to run a game with a running soundtrack of 60s pop music (beach boys motown and the like)- a love of which my father had instilled in me.
My players were…less than enthusiastic.
I’m recalling a certain mission in Alpha Protocol.
If you’ve played it, you know the one.
(The game had a great setting, great characters, a great story, flawed gameplay, and boss battles that weren’t even remotely fair.)
Hmmm. Perhaps a Fallout type scenario, only instead of the war happening in a future-ized ’50s, it happened in the ’80s. Lots and **LOTS** of trigger events, and many of the scenarios were gamed out, so resources should be easy to find …
Urban fantasy, 80s vibe? Wouldn’t that just be sparkly vampires and teen angst? I seem to recall that being done already.
Vampires only sparkle when they’re on fire.
Run Lost Boys as a campaign – killer soundtrack and Simone story.
Frog Brothers for comic relief ..
Clear excuse for the GM to provide a deus ex machina ending to save the party ..
Good soundtrack, easily expanded .. several bits off this album would work nicely:
my favorite
Not even remotely sounding like the Buggles, but Rob Zombie as an actual “sallow-eyed Fiend of Fiends”? I’d be on board.