The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter pledges are being locked.

Check your emails. If you didn’t get one, let me know. Once they lock and I get the books, out they go! …And then I will be done with that project. Well, except for the short story sampler. That has to get whipped into shape. But the books will be out.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 comes out tomorrow. You can order the paperback NOW.

They don’t give indy books quite the same pre-order paperback love they do traditional publishers, but TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS can now be ordered in paperback. I guess it’s because the book releases tomorrow? Anyway, get your book! Pretty please, with sugar on top.

Tales From The Fermi Resolution: Vol. 2: Lights in the Darkness

Continue reading TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 comes out tomorrow. You can order the paperback NOW.

The August Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. It has been a month, let me tell you. Actually, let me not. You all have your own stuff to get through.

Anyway, onto the stuff!

Applied to vend at Doxacon again this year.

I went to Doxacon last year only mildly to sell books. What I really wanted to do there was meet Ken Hite in person for once, and to humbly bask in the terrible glory that is Tim Powers. I didn’t sell that many books, but I got to do the aforementioned meeting and basking, so there you go.

Continue reading Applied to vend at Doxacon again this year.

Netflix cancels Neil Gaiman’s DEAD BOY DETECTIVES.

GeekTyrant is somewhat confused about this, given that apparently people liked DEAD BOY DETECTIVES. There are two main possibilities: one, nobody was actually watching it. Two, it’s associated with Neil Gaiman, who is being accused of sexual assault. Although I guess there’s always three, which would be Embrace the healing power of ‘And.’

Either way (or both): I should probably go watch DEAD BOY DETECTIVES. You never know when this stuff will disappear, these days.