Book of the Week: At the Mountains of Madness Vol 1.

This is the illustrated Francois Baranger At the Mountains of Madness, and the only reason I haven’t bought it yet is because I am trying to keep a reasonably up-to-date wish list for friends and family members trying to figure out what to get me. That can be a problem, especially when you have odd tastes. The more information, the better.

…Which is the opposite of the received wisdom of the Cthulhu Mythos, huh?


Tweet of the Day, Sometimes You Just Gotta Get Stuck In edition.

You can tell the teams to play nice, but if you keep booing the national anthem* where American hockey players can hear you eventually it’s gonna be Go Time when the buzzer goes off.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Sometimes You Just Gotta Get Stuck In edition.

The latest installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER is up on Patreon!

A little shorter than normal, but it’s been a weird month and this was a natural stopping place. As I’ve noted before: THE BOLD MARAUDER is my space-opera, ‘I don’t care if it’s not physics’ serial. Check out the latest installment here.