First day in a while I had all to myself.

Well, me and the cat. Spent an unreasonable part of it trying to find somebody at Barnes & Noble dot com to yell at. I’ve been trying to set up selling my books on that website since October, but they’re just not processing W-9 forms. I have come to the conclusion that maybe… they just don’t really want to do e-books, but maybe they don’t want to look like they don’t want to do e-books? It’s really, really weird.

Anyway: my books here. Apparently exclusively, for the foreseeable future.

I’ll be on @SFbookclub’s X-cast on Wednesday.

Time? Wednesday, February 12, 7 PM Eastern Time. Topic? Last week’s unpleasantness with the SPSFC. I’m not going on to throw bombs; I mostly want the chance to establish my philosophy that if you do not control your comment section, it will end up controlling you. This entire sorry affair could have been easily avoided if somebody had simply banned the worst three bullies as soon as it was clear they wouldn’t behave…

I will be vending at the Main Street Festival this year.

I’m really starting to groove on this entire “not a science fiction convention” vending concept. So far it’s been working out for me. Hopefully the Main Street Festival in Laurel will do so as well. If not, oh well. May 10th, 2025, should be a lot of people in attendance.

Moe Lane

PS: I also seem to have inadvertently… joined the Laurel Board of Trade, in the process? At least, that’s what all the emails suggest. Oh, well, maybe that’ll be useful, too.

Doing a Monastery interview with Mildra the Monk on February 25th.

Mildra the Monk is a Twitch and YouTube interviewer who focuses on independent tabletop roleplaying games, and he’s interested in having me on to talk about the Fermi Resolution Worldbook. As you know, I’m always happy to talk about my games, my books, and crowdfunding, so we’re going to sit down for an interview later this month. I’m not sure yet if this is going to be live, or recorded for later, so I’ll let you know.

Looking forward to it! Interviews are fun. Tiring, but fun.

The New THUNDERBOLTS trailer.

This actually looks better at this point than the new Captain America. Which I was prepared to like, dagnabbit. I think that Marvel should have made about one-third the movies they made since ENDGAME, and the new Captain America will probably be on the list of ones not to have made, but maybe THUNDERBOLTS will make the cut. If for no other reason than it seems more in tune with the Deadpool mindset.

The Crossed-Paths: Brambletrek – Tales in the Hundred Acre Woods Backerkit.

I’m noting the Brambletrek – Tales in the Hundred Acre Woods Backerkit for two reasons. One, the more important reason: the idea entertains me. The basic concept of Brambletrek is that you’re playing a woodland creature having dangerous adventures, either solo or as part of a group. Either way, no GM, and a lot of journal-writing. In this supplement, you can play actual characters from Winnie the Pooh, and it’s not body horror! Even if you don’t like the idea of the original game concept, I cannot deny that, say, Pooh and Piglet as a cleric and ranger facing down a cursed griffon is an appealing concept for me. I’m probably going to back this, in other word.

Continue reading The Crossed-Paths: Brambletrek – Tales in the Hundred Acre Woods Backerkit.

73% to the first Fermi Resolution Worldbook stretch goal!

As we head to the end of the first week, I’d say that the Fermi Resolution Worldbook has been a remarkable success. So much of one, I’m wondering if a spot more of advertising would help move things along. I’m still trying to decide.

The next step is to get to $2,500. That hits our first stretch goal: an adventure, set during the time of ‘The Wolf-Man of Westhaven.’ In fact, it is based on that short story, so there you go. Encounter a wolf-man! Figure out his deal! Work out what to do next! Probably end up fighting [redacted]! All good, clean fun in the Second Republic.

Continue reading 73% to the first Fermi Resolution Worldbook stretch goal!