Doing postage on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter rewards.

Can’t mail them out today, because scheduling stuff, but I could calculate postage, so I did. …Oof. I knew it was going to be this bad, and I even budgeted it to be this bad, but seeing the money drain from my accounts still hurt like the dickens. I very well may have to raise my shipping rates for the next Kickstarter, and I am absolutely going to continue not having a foreign option. I’m sorry about that, but the fees are too damned high, and people can get the books locally.

If you did miss the Kickstarter, feel free to purchase TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS directly!


@HPLHS’s THE CALL OF CTHULHU and THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS now available on Tubi for free.

I’ve been meaning to mention this for a bit. THE CALL OF CTHULHU / THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS are the HPL Historical Society’s forays into filmmaking, and both are excellent reproductions of Lovecraft’s stories (people seem to like the first one better*, but I enjoy them both). Tubi has them up for free, but you’ll have to deal with ads. Such is life.

Moe Lane

Continue reading @HPLHS’s THE CALL OF CTHULHU and THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS now available on Tubi for free.

For the record: I *will* be using November to finish BANSHEE BEACH.

I just don’t think that NaNoWriMo is a suitable thing to do it under, anymore. It’s not really the AI thing, honestly: I don’t care for AI-prompt generated material, I won’t buy it, but otherwise it’s not my problem. It’s the fact that last year strong allegations were made that NaNoWriMo was being used for some hinky stuff involving minors, and I’m not really comfortable referencing that organization anymore. I’ve never officially signed up for it, I don’t think, but I’ve still referenced the ‘contest’ often.

So now I need a new name for it for November.

The WOLF MAN teaser trailer.

I really need to go watch the INVISIBLE MAN remake they did a while back. I heard that it was good. WOLF MAN doesn’t look half bad, either, although I’d like to see some actual wolf men sometimes, if you know what I mean? Although I guess it wouldn’t be that much of a horror flick. When the moon is full, he turns into a wolf! Which means he immediately goes somewhere there’s no humans, and eats a deer or something.

Yeah. Riveting cinema, that.


The Hit The Ground Running Kickstarter.

Hit The Ground Running “is the first novel in an intended series of near-future crime capers, written by the creator of the Kickstarter-funded comic Widdershins!” That would be Kate Ashwin, who draws the aforementioned excellent webcomic; and the cover was drawn by Ben Fleuter, who absolutely needs to be swamped with as many lucrative commissions as he can personally handle. No AI, no slave labor involved in the production. Hopefully there’ll be an American distributor, because international shipping is murder these days…

RIP, James Earl Jones.

Ninety three is a good run, and ‘revered’ is not an exaggeration. My prayers and condolences to his family and loved ones.

Via @baseballcrank.


Unholy Toledo! Please also note that the cathedral in question is being desecrated. Because, again, Unholy Toledo.

The Whore’s Fane
(Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral)
Unholy Toledo

Babylon was falling, but it had not yet hit the ground.

Under normal circumstances, the trip to the putrid jewel of the See of Iniquity would have taken no more than an hour. That night, it took two. There were desperate men on the streets that night, and many lunatics driven mad by the siege and palpable dread in the air. Several confrontations had ended in swordplay in the sullen dark.

 All three men were winded, but no more than that. Maddox and Nat were both seasoned fighting-men, facing wretches with rags for armor and snatched-up clubs for weapons; and, whatever else the Monsignor’s faults were, he was not shy about wading into a fight.

He stuck to his crozier, though, avoiding any expression of arcane power. “Others may be looking for us still, or they may be not,” he deigned to explain, after their second fight. “Even if we have avoided notice, I will need to hoard my magic for the trip below.”

He looked at both of them, then snorted. “Ah. You both have already guessed that our path was underground.”

“Yes,” rumbled Maddox. “It was that or try to go over the walls, and if I wanted to commit suicide I’d have done it three weeks ago and got ahead of the crowd.”


Gotta get back into this one.

The Eighth Sin

The food was wretched at the tavern, but even the cheapest beer was good. So was the marijuana, cocaine, and opium, but neither sensible fighting-man indulged in those. From the looks of things, there were few sensible men or women in the Eighth Sin tonight. The usual smells of depravity and stale vomit were fighting a losing battle against the reeks of despair, desperation — and fresh vomit.

That suited Maddox. He leaned forward, careful not to whisper or look furtive. “That trull you knew, before. How might we find out more about the thing she was holding for you?”

Nat was an old hand at the game of speaking without using what the Old Americans called ‘key-words.’ “I don’t know. She didn’t talk much about what she did, or where she was from. Just that she once served someone who had what we wanted to have. Without her, we’re on our own.”