Annnnnd the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit is in the can.

A highly respectable showing, for me. Second-largest crowdfunding result since I started this; and, the since my biggest one (the one for FROZEN DREAMS) is also my first one, possibly the comparison is unfair. Thank you for everyone who backed, and don’t forget that our cross-collaborator Lead & Chrome still has a few hours left!


Question: is there an interest in a Backerkit post-mortem?

I mean, it’s interesting to me. I’ve spent the last month analyzing the difference between the Kickstarter model and the Backerkit one (TL/DR: there’s a strong argument that Backerkit is going to get me more eyeballs for a hypothetical BANSHEE BEACH crowdfund*), and I’m always ready to pontificate about this sort of thing. But… do my blog readers actually care? Or should I instead inflict my thoughts on Patreon and/or Substack?

Opinions welcome. Even if it’s For the love of God, Moe, shut UP about all of this.

Moe Lane

*Hypothetical because between this Backerkit and, well, February, the money pools filled up a bit faster than normal. I might be able to get away by just paying for BANSHEE BEACH on my own.

We’ve hit the second Backerkit stretch goal! Also, it all ends tomorrow.

The second stretch goal means that the artist and layout artist both get a little tip. Nothing spectacular, but a little extra thank-you. In the meantime, the Fermi Resolution Worldbook has until tomorrow to hit the following stretch goals:

  • $4,000: Another PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the current campaign time period. A critical forward base in captured Dominion territory isn’t reporting in. There aren’t enough Alliance troops available to investigate, but that’s why there are Adventurers. There will be maps! (Based on my short story “Job Along the Borderlands.”)
  • $6,000: A third PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the opening years of the Great War. There has been a mysterious murder in Boston’s fabled underground Antiquity. Who or what is the murderer, what are their plans, and what is to be done about it all? There will be maps! (Based on the yet-to-be-published-in-an-anthology short story “Never Return.”
Continue reading We’ve hit the second Backerkit stretch goal! Also, it all ends tomorrow.