Nothing bad, but while I’m a lot better the combination of that and a bunch of stuff going on in real time is screwing with my schedule. Sorry, I know everything’s been erratic around here since the start of the new year. Not intentional.
Category: Not-politics
Tweet of the Day, Is There An Online Poll? edition.
On the one hand, I’m in. On the other hand, probably I shouldn’t be in, since I’m not actually an Anglican.
And on the gripping hand? …Well, neither will be the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
Tweet of the Day, Ehh, It’s Just Another Goram Spectacular Video Of Jupiter edition.
I think I am *finally* almost better.
Which would be awesome, because I got deadlines. I’d say ‘Get the flu shot,’ except it didn’t seem to help my wife. Or maybe it was Covid after all. I just found out the current tests may have a few too many false negatives.
Anyway. Free icecream will resume soon.
I picked a bad time to get hammered by this cold.
By now 75% of the house has it, and we’re worried about the fourth one. I’m feeling better than last night, although I probably worried my wife something fierce for a moment there. Lots of best rest and fluids for me today…
Tweet of the Day, This Is Urban Planning In A Nutshell edition.
The last panel is what elevates it to true art. Sometimes the public’s anonymously demonstrating a need. And sometimes they’re just doing it to be a collective jackwagon.
Tweet of the Day, Nerds Are Nerds… edition.
…even when they’re Victorian nerds. Weird how most of the SFF community today hasn’t ever read the book, huh? Including me.
Need to log out to do the Windows Update.
You know it’s gonna be a fun one when the computer says, Look, you may want to have this one go off overnight. Clearly, this is a hint to go to sleep, if the bleary eyes and sore throat wasn’t enough of one. Night!
No oomph this week.
Not much oomph this month, to be fair, and all of it’s being sucked up by the Backerkit. Is this part of the problem with having a long lead time? I don’t think about anything else? Well, at least January’s a slow month anyway.
Tweet of the Day, You’d Think This Would Be In The Operator’s Manual edition.
Heck, you’d think there would be an Operator’s Manual. For kids, I mean. Nope, they just send you and your spouse home from the hospital with a highly complex, multi-decade project in tow, with nary a bit of real documentation. If you press them, maybe they give you some website links. Maybe.
I meant this as a joke, but now I’m maybe getting a little peeved about this. Or maybe I’m just hungry.