I have added a Ko-fi button, yes.

The time has apparently come where I have to diversify opportunities for people to give me money. That means things like Ko-fi. That probably also means expanding to alternatives to Patreon and Kickstarter, since some people simply won’t use either. It’s too easy to get in a rut on the Internet, and lose the hustle. The hustle cannot be lost. The hustle is how I pay for all of the other stuff, like new books.

Nobody reading this is obliged to do anything about it, by the way. Except maybe tell your friends.

NASA revives Voyager-1.

Very cool: “For the first time in five months, NASA engineers have received decipherable data from Voyager 1 after crafting a creative solution to fix a communication problem aboard humanity’s most distant spacecraft in the cosmos.” Read the article for details, but the gist is that they were able to troubleshoot a bum chip, then work around it. From what I can tell from the article, ’twas very cleverly done. The programming seems extra-cool somehow when you’re dealing with a significant light speed delay…

Via Facebook.

I was inducted in the Order of the Opal at Storvik Novice Tourney*!

It’s a Kingdom-level service award, for those unfamiliar with the SCA; I was given it for my field coordination work, although the King of Atlantia was kind enough to mention the Blackfox I got while Chronicler for Storvik. It was a nice highlight of the day.

The scroll was done by Mestra Esperanza Susanna Flecha, and I love it.

*Which I was autocratting. It was, shall we say, a busy weekend. Fun, though.

Will be autocrat for a SCA event this weekend.

Oh, sorry: ‘event steward.’ I don’t actually object to the name change. In a lot of ways it’s more reflective of what I’m doing with regard to this event, which mostly involves making sure that all the spinning plates fall down in the right order. It’s a collaborative effort… right up to the point where something goes wrong, and it’s time to me to The Trash Heap Has Spoken at it until the problem gets fixed, or at least becomes ignorable.

In practical terms all of this means that I’m going to be very sporadically posting until Sunday afternoon. Or possibly Monday morning, because Sunday may be a time of showers and unconsciousness. Responsibility is not something that comes naturally to me. I can do it, but I get really tired afterwards.

Tweet of the Day, It Sounds… Restful edition.

There’s something to be said for an exquisitely boring day.