Sorry about that! …Well, I guess it has been productive, in its way. I’m just not doing well with deadline stuff. I need to reorganize.
Category: Not-politics
Today was a Real Life Day, alas.
Oil changes and errands and vetting homework and cooking and all the rest of it. I plan to buckle down for the rest of the month, though. Since I don’t really have a choice anyway.
Tweet of the Day, You May Want To Flag Some Keywords For This One edition.
Because – AOCTTIBS* – this is gonna end amazingly.
*Acronym decipher left as an exercise for the reader.
Tweet of the Day, So Apparently This Happened? edition.
I’m sorry.
I have the Sleep Madness.
I just… hit a brick wall. I blame the kids’ midterms, mixed with the weather. Everybody’s sleep patterns is for the birds. See you in the morning…
What about the UFOs?
We’re hearing nothing about the UFOS.
This actually surprises me. I figure we’d have at least gotten a ‘There are no UFOs’ (which is the overwhelmingly likely, if boring answer). Instead… nothing about the UFOs.
They’ve toned down snow here for tomorrow…
…but we’re still getting it. Yay. Oh, well, we have Monday off anyway.
Early bedtime.
Today and yesterday were full of issues; hopefully tomorrow will have fewer of them. In either case, I kind of have the Sleep Madness. Time to hit the hay.
Self-Tweet Of The Day, The SCOTUSBlog Emulates Bad Company* edition.
Man, I didn’t have writing this tweet on my Bingo card for 2025:
Tweet of the Day, I Would Laugh And I Would Laugh And I Would Laugh… edition.
…and then I would laugh some more. I don’t think it’ll happen, but man. If it did.
Via Wu_Tang_Finance.