I mean, ten grand is ten grand. For a self-published author, that’s something like two books! With editing! And bespoke cover art! We are probably very easy to bribe.
I mean, ten grand is ten grand. For a self-published author, that’s something like two books! With editing! And bespoke cover art! We are probably very easy to bribe.
On the one hand, I’m in. On the other hand, probably I shouldn’t be in, since I’m not actually an Anglican.
And on the gripping hand? …Well, neither will be the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
The last panel is what elevates it to true art. Sometimes the public’s anonymously demonstrating a need. And sometimes they’re just doing it to be a collective jackwagon.
…even when they’re Victorian nerds. Weird how most of the SFF community today hasn’t ever read the book, huh? Including me.
Heck, you’d think there would be an Operator’s Manual. For kids, I mean. Nope, they just send you and your spouse home from the hospital with a highly complex, multi-decade project in tow, with nary a bit of real documentation. If you press them, maybe they give you some website links. Maybe.
I meant this as a joke, but now I’m maybe getting a little peeved about this. Or maybe I’m just hungry.
Because – AOCTTIBS* – this is gonna end amazingly.
*Acronym decipher left as an exercise for the reader.
I’m sorry.
Stop it, or I’ll bury you alive in a BOX!
Although I’m not a ‘torture the players’ type. I strive for a madcap style, particularly when I’m running a con game. I want people laughing and trying to one-up each other with how gonzo they’re getting, not desperately clawing for one more +1 to stave off their demise for a few more rounds. NTTAWWTOC.