Tweet of the Day, I Do Not Say You Should Not Put On The Restored Bronze Age Jewelry edition.

I will say that if restored Bronze Age jewelry whispers to you that you should put it on, you should not do so; in fact, you should inform the relevant authorities forthwith. Don’t worry if this leads to increased mental health-related scrutiny. You’ll be quietly cleared once the person who does heed the whispers puts on the jewelry, and then does… whatever it was the jewelry wanted doing. Besides, a couple of days away from the Internet honestly sounds kind of restful, once the withdrawal symptoms subside.

Via @CalebHowe.

Tweet of the Day, REVENGE edition.

I don’t know if the letter-writer wished that the letter had come out before his death in 2022. He didn’t see this architectural mistake corrected, but there’s something to be said for saying your piece, secure in the knowledge that you’ll never have to listen to the rebuttal. Sort of like blocking someone on social media, only even better somehow.

Via @DaddyWarpig.

Tweet of the Day, Well, This Was Inevitable edition.

They’re gonna drop the capsule next month, hopefully get it to land remotely, then have the astronauts grab a ride down next year. Straightforward enough, really. Also, an indication that NASA made the right call in giving SpaceX point on the lunar stuff.

Tweet of the Day, One Thing I Pushed Back On In GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND edition.

This drives me nuts, too.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, One Thing I Pushed Back On In GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND edition.

Tweet of the Day, If I Had To See It, You Have To See It edition.

Those are the rules. Admittedly, they’re Cenobite-style rules, and you never signed up for them, but that’s the way things go. Besides, it’s a little late in your life journey to start complaining about me and my little ways now.

[Other] Tweet of the Day, This Is Confirming My Priors edition.

The ‘priors’ in question being, “Google and Facebook have between them managed to ruthlessly stamp down on this site’s ability to make money. And let’s not even get started on book advertising.” I am so keenly aware of this, I instinctively mistrust anything that might cheer me up. Like a federal judge declaring Google to be a monopoly:

Continue reading [Other] Tweet of the Day, This Is Confirming My Priors edition.

Tweet of the Day, This Is What You Have To Beat To Win Today’s Internet edition.

I’m with Iowahawk, here. This is… this is special.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, This Is What You Have To Beat To Win Today’s Internet edition.