It is NOT true that men only think about the Roman Empire…

…sometimes we switch it out to think of MASTER & COMMANDER.

Via GeekTyrant.

The predictable THE LEGEND OF OCHI trailer.

Is it awful that I kind of want the twist of THE LEGEND OF OCHI to be that the adult monsters really are impossible to reason with, and would have happily and deliberately eaten the girl if Willem Dafoe hadn’t shown up in time? Seriously, how many times have we seen this movie? The message as provided is not exactly subversive.

My major hope is that the trailer is a total head-fake, really. Which… maybe? A24 does like to do unexpected stuff.

Tweet of the Day, This Is What Serendipity Looks Like edition.

I mean, sometimes you need an accident to create a thing of beauty.

Via @RocketPulpHack.

Tweet of the Day, The Doom That Came To Disney edition.

Alternate title: And Nothing Of Value Was Lost. I picked the first one because I don’t quite agree with the second one, but I respect that my readers will have a different opinion.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, The Doom That Came To Disney edition.

Movie of the Week: DANGEROUS LIAISONS.

I’m picking DANGEROUS LIAISONS because some genius at Amazon has decided to remake CRUEL INTENTIONS as a series. Since We all know that movie was only a “little copy, a child’s model or a slave’s flattery” of the Glenn Close / John Malkovich / Michelle Pfeiffer masterpiece, it’s safe enough to assume that the series is going to somehow be even worse. Hell, the new series may not even be particularly lust-inducing. We don’t really do those anymore, after all.

Truly, this is an appallingly drab age.

Moe Lane
