The B&W GODZILLA MINUS ONE coming to Netflix in August.

I am legitimately eager to see this. I wanted to see the black and white version of GODZILLA MINUS ONE in theaters, but my schedule never quite worked for that. Netflix will just have to do. (The color version is also available on Prime Video.)

You know what the funny part is? I sort of remember this movie as being in black and white anyway. Weird, that.

Moe Lane


They’re making an adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘One For the Road.’

I can’t embed the trailer here (it’s Vimeo), but the short film ‘One For the Road‘ looks a bit different than the story by the same name in Stephen King’s Night Shift. Which… okay, yes, King is a jackass. But some of his best short horror fiction is in that anthology, which means that a couple of the best short fiction stories of Twentieth Century horror is in that anthology. You do horror writing for any length of time, you learn how to compartmentalize and silo your reactions to individual authors. You just have to.

And yeah, I may need to see this one. Because the short story it may be based on is absolutely top-notch.


The ‘Why Is Not A Hulk Movie?’ CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD trailer.

There are hints that CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD is not as wretched as might be assumed. I still like the movies a lot more than the TV shows (I’ve largely given up on those). But this would’ve been better as a Hulk flick.

…I’m not even going to dignify the FISTFUL OF DOLLARS / TIME BANDITS remakes with a response.

You can see the news for A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS here and the trailer for TIME BANDITS here. I will say only this: Taika Waititi needs to go sit in a corner, and think about what he has done. And maybe watch the original TIME BANDITS again, to see all the Christian subtext that Terry Gilliam put in there, probably without even realizing it.


Rant of the Day, It Looks Like A Freaking U To ME edition. (Gladiator II)

It is rare that I stop a trailer halfway through to declaim, This is some bull[expletive deleted], but GLADIATOR II managed the job.

Continue reading Rant of the Day, It Looks Like A Freaking U To ME edition. (Gladiator II)

The ‘The needle flutters’ AGATHA ALL ALONG trailer.

Huh. There’s a mild flicker of interest, here. I mean, I get that AGATHA ALL ALONG is gonna be awful, because aside from LOKI that’s been the default level for Marvel TV shows for a while. Still, a Halloween-themed horror show has… again, a flicker of interest. I honestly wasn’t expecting even that much.

Did anyone see ANGELS FALLEN?

ANGELS FALLEN either had the very good luck or the very bad luck to be released during the pandemic. I’m only noticing it now because there is a sequel (ANGELS FALLEN: WARRIORS OF PEACE), and I would be fascinated to hear why. Tax write-off? Aging actors with recognizable names doing some flicks on the cheap for the heck of it, or to pay the bills? Somebody lost a bet?

Seriously, I could get into bad movies about angels and demons and guns, if it’s the right kind of bad. I played In Nomine. I’m down with that sort of thing.

Continue reading Did anyone see ANGELS FALLEN?