Hard to pick one song from this, so let’s just go from the start.
Hey, 1776 has a Director’s Cut!
Hard to pick one song from this, so let’s just go from the start.
Hey, 1776 has a Director’s Cut!
Hey! Nothing new under the sun, you know.
Piddle, Twiddle, and Resolve, 1776
I could just watch clips from that movie for the rest of the night. In fact, I probably will.
…which is to say, old enough to not die from a case of shame; happily married with kids; and just, in the end, not caring? It’s being able to sing this in the supermarket parking lot…
…simply because the cashier’s name was Abigail.
Going from 1776 to National Treasure
doesn’t seem all that much of a jump for me; but then again, I’m weird. Anyway, National Treasure
is just one of those fun popcorn movies that demonstrates that Jerry Bruckheimer secretly plays roleplaying games.
Seriously. That was somebody’s campaign. Done right.
Same singer – I think – but from the original Broadway play, not the movie. Still one of the two most powerful songs in either; the other, of course, being “Molasses to Rum.”
It’s getting up to the July Fourth weekend, so we remove the modern heroes of Apollo 13 and bring in the ancestral heroes of 1776
. I saw the Broadway revival
starring Brent Spiner as John Adams, and he did fine with it – still, this is the one that I grew up with.
Moe Lane