The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter pledges are being locked.

Check your emails. If you didn’t get one, let me know. Once they lock and I get the books, out they go! …And then I will be done with that project. Well, except for the short story sampler. That has to get whipped into shape. But the books will be out.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 comes out tomorrow. You can order the paperback NOW.

They don’t give indy books quite the same pre-order paperback love they do traditional publishers, but TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS can now be ordered in paperback. I guess it’s because the book releases tomorrow? Anyway, get your book! Pretty please, with sugar on top.

Tales From The Fermi Resolution: Vol. 2: Lights in the Darkness

Continue reading TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 comes out tomorrow. You can order the paperback NOW.

The August Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. It has been a month, let me tell you. Actually, let me not. You all have your own stuff to get through.

Anyway, onto the stuff!

Applied to vend at Doxacon again this year.

I went to Doxacon last year only mildly to sell books. What I really wanted to do there was meet Ken Hite in person for once, and to humbly bask in the terrible glory that is Tim Powers. I didn’t sell that many books, but I got to do the aforementioned meeting and basking, so there you go.

Continue reading Applied to vend at Doxacon again this year.

Three! THREE more days to pre-order TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2!

Hah, hah, hah!

Tales From The Fermi Resolution: Vol. 2: Lights in the Darkness

Return to the world of the Fermi Resolution! Ten stories of a post-apocalyptic North America, gone mad with magic. Adventure abounds, from the treachery-haunted ruins of Michigan to the magic-kissed streets of Cin City! Action and derring-do, on land and sea – well, all right, the ‘sea’ part is actually a bay. But there are sea monsters fighting elvish privateers! Bears with hats! Orcs attending operas! Several flavors of mad cultists! Nine hundred years of patient heroism, all to protect those precious lights in the darkness.

The book comes out September 1st.


08/29/2024 Snippet, AUDITION.

It’s the little things.

Norm had been expecting another long walk, but this passageway was much shorter. And soon, wider. Also, it had… well. They were cages, set in the wall, and there was no getting around it. Twenty on a side, big enough for a man, and thankfully empty of anything, either living or dead. But they smelled. They smelled so rank, Norm wondered why the stink hadn’t reached as far as the antechamber behind them.

There were also lights in here; modern ones, that could glow indefinitely. They pushed back the gloom far enough that the two could see that they were now in a large, rectangular room, with another, formidable door on the other side. The room itself was all concrete walls and floors, with large drains in the floor and more of that rank smell. 

It all looked horribly… familiar. “I didn’t think the seccys went in for mental readjustment centers,” Ashelyn said with obviously false bravado. “All the reports said they just stripped their weakest reeds naked, and sent them out to die in the cold.”

“They were guerrillas,” Norm pointed out, distantly wondering if this room had anything that was flammable. Burning down a Peep internal security facility had been one of his life goals ever since two weeks into his original conscription. “They wouldn’t have had the time or the space to break down and re-educate their problem recruits. I guess here they had both. Check the cabinets?”

My panel at Fright Reads 2024!

They just announced the panels at Fright Reads 2024. I am part of the 1 PM Authors 101 w/ Q&A panel, which should be a lot of fun. The other two folks are going to be talking about marketing/sales, and stuff for aspiring authors, respectively, while I’ll be discussing crowdfunding. I’m looking forward to hearing what tips and strategies the other panelists have to offer.

Fright Reads is September 28 and 29. My new anthology TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS will be available for sale! Or preorder the e-book now.
