Ben Fleuter’s Sword Interval webcomic is back up!

Ben Fleuter’s Sword Interval was one of my favorite webcomics – think ‘supernatural investigators during a magical apocalypse, and they’re armed for lich-king’ – and now it’s being re-released on Tumblr. Which is good, because I didn’t like it being on WEBTOON. Too annoying to navigate, and very hard to archive-binge. This one is being presented in page-a-day format, which fits Ben’s original intentions better anyway. Check it out!


One last chance to get SWORD INTERVAL in print!

Ben Fleuter lost his stock of graphic novels in a fire two years ago; but somebody had been holding a few copies of SWORD INTERVAL and DERELICT for him for a convention. Grab ’em fast while you still can! I’ve already scored my copy of DERELICT, so this post has a hidden expiration date…

My dude @bfleuter had his clothes stolen.

Because being burned out of your house and stock isn’t enough excitement for one decade, it seems*. Anyway, I don’t have a commission that needs filling at the moment, so I bought another pin. They’re good pins anyway.

*Although… hrm.

@bfleuter’s Liches Get Stitches pins available for sale!

I already ordered the Glitch and the Earth pins: I want the former, my eldest wants the latter.

Note that I borrowed the name for my recent short story, not the other way around. I checked first, obviously. Ben was cool about it; but then, he’s a righteous dude.

Ben Fleuter’s “Liches Get Stitches – Elemental Enamel Pins” Kickstarter.

The Liches Get Stitches – Elemental Enamel Pins Kickstarter isn’t affiliated with the short story of the same name that I’m suddenly writing, except in the sense that I asked Ben if it was okay if I ran with the title and he said that it was. The entire idea for said story just popped into my head, and it’s amusing – never mind! Ben’s making enamel pins! Back it! Hit the stretch goals, so I can get the glitch one!

Announcing my new “A Proper Picture for my ‘Pickman’s Model’ Kickstarter!

Sign up here. Basically, this is a very quick-and-dirty art Kickstarter, starting May 12th. The short version is: I’ve revised and expanded my short story ‘Pickman’s Model’ (yes, I have no shame*) and I plan to publish it on Kindle, and so forth. But for that I need art. I’ve called in Ben Fleuter to make a proper picture for it, but he rather reasonably wishes to get paid.

The Kickstarter itself is going to be fairly low – but if we hit the target, the stretch goals will let me buy more art ahead of time, for the next one or two chapbooks I’m working on now. People who back at the $5 level will get a digital copy of ‘Pickman’s Model,’ complete with the art; people who back at the $10 level will get the story, and digital copies of any chapbooks (plus the art, of course) unlocked by the stretch goals. This is absolutely a digital-only Kickstarter, though. Printing physical books gets expensive, very very quickly.

Here’s the link. Hope you’ll sign up to be notified on launch!

Moe Lane

*Technically it’s my first professional fiction sale, only I never got paid. Long story.