Doing postage on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter rewards.

Can’t mail them out today, because scheduling stuff, but I could calculate postage, so I did. …Oof. I knew it was going to be this bad, and I even budgeted it to be this bad, but seeing the money drain from my accounts still hurt like the dickens. I very well may have to raise my shipping rates for the next Kickstarter, and I am absolutely going to continue not having a foreign option. I’m sorry about that, but the fees are too damned high, and people can get the books locally.

If you did miss the Kickstarter, feel free to purchase TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS directly!


The Hit The Ground Running Kickstarter.

Hit The Ground Running “is the first novel in an intended series of near-future crime capers, written by the creator of the Kickstarter-funded comicĀ Widdershins!” That would be Kate Ashwin, who draws the aforementioned excellent webcomic; and the cover was drawn by Ben Fleuter, who absolutely needs to be swamped with as many lucrative commissions as he can personally handle. No AI, no slave labor involved in the production. Hopefully there’ll be an American distributor, because international shipping is murder these days…

With NINE days left before the launch of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2: Kickstarter books are ordered!

The books have achieved their final print form, and are being printed even as we speak. TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS will show up on my doorstep a couple of days into September, and I plan to start the process of getting them out the door as soon as possible. Accordingly, I will be locking orders by the first of September. Now is the time to adjust your pledges! Now is also the time to hit the pre-order store!


Just sent out digital rewards for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2!

If you backed, you should have gotten two zipped files: one for the art, and another for the EPUB, PDF, and legacy MOBI editions of the book. If you have any problems with accessing them, let me know.

I’m going to be working on the Kindle and physical books now. Fortunately, we’re still well within schedule. Enjoy!

Moe Lane

PS: If you didn’t back, the preorder store is still open. Signed copies!

9/10th done on second passthrough edits for TFR Vol 2.

We got one more to chew through, and then I can move forward in getting TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS up and online. This Friday for the first digital fulfilments is still a viable target date. Certainly we are on track for a September 1st digital drop. Ask me next week how we’re doing with the paperback book itself. I mean, as it stands we’re ahead of schedule, but no promises yet.

Continue reading 9/10th done on second passthrough edits for TFR Vol 2.

The D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter.

If you played West End Games’ D6 games at all, back in the day, Gallant Knight Games is bringing it back in the D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter. Checked with the publishers: they don’t use AI, and haven’t finalized a printer location yet. However, digital fulfilment is definitely going to be through DriveThruRPG, and a PoD option will be available there as well. That satisfies my ethical concerns enough to recommend and digitally back the project*. I have still recommended to the company that they avoid using the PRC for this one. Or, you know, ever.

*It’s impossible to avoid PRC-made goods in this country entirely, unfortunately. So if I at least have the option to avoid it, I’ll take it. We live in an imperfect universe, alas.

One week left on the THE SECRET WORLD FOR SAVAGE WORLDS Kickstarter.

Honestly, I think THE SECRET WORLD is better suited for a points-based system like SAVAGE WORLDS than it would be for a level-based one like 5e. This particular Kickstarter is over in a week, and it lacks the special ‘put your PC in the game’ option that I gleefully put in the other one. Does that mean my character will be recycled for the new system? …Probably not, but I won’t be mad if they do end up doing that.