The “The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition” Backerkit.

Full disclosure: I know a couple of the folks at Green Ronin, and I’d like to sell some stuff to at least one of them in the near future. That being said, I did back The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition: I’m trying to get back into the books, and what I’ve managed to watch of the show so far is excellent. Also, doing my due diligence I can tell you that the company absolutely hates AI prompts. Finally, this project at least is using regional distributors (and thus I think operating under a print-on-demand system generally). I’m personally satisfied that the product is ethically sourced, in other words.

So fee free to check it out.

Oh, yeah, Modiphus is doing a Discworld RPG Kickstarter soon.

I guess the license lapsed for GURPS Discworld? Or, sorry, the Discworld Roleplaying Game. I swear to God, SJG seems very reluctant now to even use the term GURPS. Weird…

Anyway, here’s the link to sign up to be notified about the Kickstarter launch.

The August Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. It has been a month, let me tell you. Actually, let me not. You all have your own stuff to get through.

Anyway, onto the stuff!

Pelicon went well.

I didn’t die in THE FALL OF DELTA GREEN game, but there was a fun moment where somebody had to slap the Stability back in me. But I got all I wanted in the TRAIL OF CTHULHU game; my character blew a Stability roll at just the right time to lose some Sanity, I got a good last line in while the darkness rushed to surround me, and I saved the last bullet for myself.

I think I’d like to do Pelicon next year, too.

Not-off to Pelicon!

Pelicon is a digital-only con sponsored by Pelgrane Press for those who can’t make it to Gen Con for one reason or another (Pelgrane’s in the UK, which is why they’re not going). I’m in a The Fall of Delta Green game this afternoon (it’s about to start, in fact), and Trail of Cthulhu tomorrow evening. Looking forward to both!


The SWORDS OF THE SERPENTINE Quick Deal Bundle of Holding.

Getting the PDF for SWORDS OF THE SERPENTINE in time for Pelicon (online Pelgrane Press convention, in honor of GenCon which they can’t all go to because Pelgrane operates out of the UK) for eight bucks is a steal. I’d get it myself, except that I already have it in PDF/dead tree form. It’s basically GUMSHOE for fantasy adventure, and if it had been available as an OGL I would have frankly based my own upcoming Fermi Resolution TTRPG around it.


The July Patreon stuff is up!

As I said, it finally gelled. Next month’s is probably going to be set in the same world as GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND, by the way. That should be fun.


  • Short Story: The Real Thing. Wander the horribly clear streets of Lost Atlanta! A Tale from the Fermi Resolution.
  • RPG Material: Resurgence, Part 4 (A): The Empowered. A bit of detail on the how the player characters are likely to be. Will there be interpersonal conflict? …Yeah, probably.

Moe Lane