People saying nice things about me and my Patreon!

One of my favorite things in the world to have happen.

I heartily endorse both Shaenon/Jeff’s and Eric/Wednesday’s Patreons, as well. Shaenon does my Tom Vargas covers (she’s looking forward to starting on BANSHEE BEACH), and Wednesday is my increasingly long-suffering editor tasked with tempering my atrocities against the semicolon. Good folks, good creatives, check them out.

The June Patreon stuff is up!

It was… not the best month, creatively. Had to push through a few times. Hopefully July will be better.

Anyway, enough whining!

  • Short Story: Seven Flags. Part One, alas. The aforementioned needing to push through. Anyway, it’s a Fermi Resolution story starring our favorite orc paladin Liza. Well, she’s my favorite orc paladin, at least.
  • RPG Material: Resurgence, Part Three: Community. I’m pretty sure Community was awful. I just haven’t quite decided whether they were actually the worst option.

Patreon Microfiction: ‘Almost Spoiled For Choice.’

Sorry, but ‘Almost Spoiled For Choice’ speaks sooth: Prohibition might have cut down on how much individuals drank, but it had pretty much no effect on how many individuals drank. Although I suppose cutting down our per-capita consumption had its points. Lord knows our ancestors routinely drank at levels that would alarm college seniors.

Patreon Microfiction: ‘Silent Running.’

‘Almost cracked’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting in ‘Silent Running.’ A lot of heavy lifting. Putting individual humans in solitary orbit for five years will result in a lot of psychological pressure. Depending on who you ask, it’s either fortunate or unfortunate that most of those volunteers managed to sustain themselves on a diet of pure rage…