Patreon Microfiction: Death Is Cheap.

…Look, it’s not like he’s sacrificing people, right? Death is a part of life, so it’s a part of magic, and there’s gonna be market forces at play encouraging the cost of resurrections to go down. You don’t make your pile raising one person for a thousand gold: you make it by raising fifty people for a hundred each. There’s simply more of them who can afford that fee, as long as you make sure that Death is Cheap…

Patreon Microfiction: Rest Cure.

Seriously, ‘Rest Cure’ points out what I think is an under-examined wrinkle in the entire ‘personal apotheosis’ thing: why are we assuming higher-dimensional beings are just going to be blandly welcoming? We’d be popping in out of nowhere, with no relevant life skills from their point of view. I mean, sure, well done and everything with transcending your lower-dimensional prison. …What did you expect to do now?

Patreon Microfiction: Scorpio Five.

I dunno if ‘Scorpio Five’ is best suited for a novel, or a TTRPG setting. The reason I wonder about the latter is that if you run a game in it the players are immediately gonna want to leave, simply because they’ve been told it’s impossible and that’s just catnip to gamers. Search your heart; you know this to be true.