Patreon Microfiction: ‘Almost Spoiled For Choice.’

Sorry, but ‘Almost Spoiled For Choice’ speaks sooth: Prohibition might have cut down on how much individuals drank, but it had pretty much no effect on how many individuals drank. Although I suppose cutting down our per-capita consumption had its points. Lord knows our ancestors routinely drank at levels that would alarm college seniors.

Patreon Microfiction: ‘Silent Running.’

‘Almost cracked’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting in ‘Silent Running.’ A lot of heavy lifting. Putting individual humans in solitary orbit for five years will result in a lot of psychological pressure. Depending on who you ask, it’s either fortunate or unfortunate that most of those volunteers managed to sustain themselves on a diet of pure rage…

Patreon Microfiction: They Get Dental, Too.

For some reason, it always strikes people as odd that bookkeeping can seduce a certain sort of mind away from magic. Magic can blow up, man. Nobody ever got eaten by a demon for being to unable to reconcile a three-copper shortfall. …And, yes: “They Get Dental, Too.”

Patreon Microfiction: ‘Patch Update 3.13.04.’

‘Patch Update 3.13.04’ is, among other things, a major reason why I don’t think we’re living in a video game simulation. If we were, we’d know. Very, very quickly.

Moe Lane

PS: If we do live in a video game simulation, it isn’t a very exciting one by our standards. Or at least not very well-balanced when it comes to gameplay.

Patreon Microfiction: Horror Without Lovecraft.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Horror Without Lovecraft would be an entirely different genre. Or, possibly, subgenre. I mean, people do like to be scared, so chilling stories and novels would still exist. But the impact of “Supernatural Horror in Literature” in creating the horror genre as its own thing, independent of other types of genre fiction, was profound. So much so that modern popular fiction would look utterly different without it.