I have unlocked my Science Fiction Horror RPG setting UNFILTERED on Patreon!

You can now see it there. I have also included it below. This is the universe that GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is set, as well as several short stories. And yes, I’d love to hand UNFILTERED off to a publisher. Downright eager to, in fact.

Continue reading I have unlocked my Science Fiction Horror RPG setting UNFILTERED on Patreon!

Up on Patreon: My complete UNFILTERED Spooky Space Opera RPG setting (paywall).

I am trying to encourage the Patreon, after all. I expect that at some point I will make UNFILTERED generally available, though. To give you an idea of what it’s like:

Continue reading Up on Patreon: My complete UNFILTERED Spooky Space Opera RPG setting (paywall).

January Patreon stuff is up.

Morgan Barod and the Kingcat of Supawna and Unfiltered, Part 2: Earth (you’ll need to join to read either one, sorry). I dunno, folks: if I get enough Fermi Resolution stories written, I might have enough for an anthology. Which, frankly, may be the only way that they’ll ever get published.

Ach, well, I think that my Patrons like ’em. Speaking of: