Don’t forget! The Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit Early Bird Special ends tomorrow morning!

So, hey, lemme talk about the things that I want to be excited about. We had a great first day with the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit: we backed by mid-afternoon, and we’re about halfway to a stretch goal that suddenly doesn’t seem quite so theoretical. The Early Bird special ends at 11 AM tomorrow, so if you want that discount on getting both the digital and the print version*, now is the time to back.

Continue reading Don’t forget! The Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit Early Bird Special ends tomorrow morning!


A buddy from my MMORPG pointed this El Goonish Shive strip out to me. Apparently other people have also concluded that suddenly dumping magic on the general population willy-nilly might lead to undesirable results. I’m glad I’m not the only one!

(For anybody wandering in: I’m referring to my Fermi Resolution post-apocalyptic fantasy novels. Not grimdark! Not a heroic trilogy! Just fun! You can find them here.)

‘The Golem Job’ is up on Patreon.

To quote from there because I’m feeling lazy:

This is one of the things getting added to the Fermi Resolution Worldbook – it’s also available as part of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 – and I’m putting up this version here for free as an enticement. The Backerkit starts in a week! Sign up now (Sign-up link)!

Again, free.

Aiming for 125 followers on the FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK Backerkit by the launch date!

Obviously I want considerably more – five hundred would make for an excellent start, but right now I am at ninety-six, including me. If I get a good enough follower count on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit, the company will consider helping to boost my signal, which would be awesome. Everybody who buys the game is a potential customer for my novels, after all. And vice versa.

So we’re plugging! Sign up to follow the project here. Back it on February 4th. Tell all your friends!

Check out “The Wolfman of Westhaven” and my Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit! Free!

All very cross-promotional, sure. I turned “The Wolfman of Westhaven” into a playtest adventure when I was working on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook, so it’ll do just as well as a stretch goal adventure. Thanks to the vagaries of what can be posted where, the story went up as a PDF on Patreon. Check it out! Check it all out.

Patreon link: here.
Launch Party link: here.

An update on the worldbook project.

Sat down with the layout guy today and we worked out a schedule. Currently, and assuming all goes well with the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit (sign up here for notifications), he should be done with the project by mid-March at the latest. That dovetails nicely with the Backerkit, since it’s running in February. I collect the money, pay my guy, get the RPG up at Backerkit, and I should have copies in time for the summer convention circuit. Which will be cool.
