The February Patreon stuff is up!


  • Short Story: Verdict of History. History was deliberately unkind in its verdict, and I fret that I didn’t make it unkind enough. I rarely dislike my own protagonists to the extent that I disliked these two.
  • RPGs: ARTIFACTS, Chapter 3: Artifacts. Yes, very redundant. And a bunch of synonyms for redundant, because who needs to sit through that joke?

The final Kickstarter reward for TINSEL RAIN has been sent out!

This was the early signup bonus of art, and three Fermi Resolution horror stories (one of which is new!) that should have gone out a while ago. But it’s all done, hee-hee, it’s off to be distributed, ho-ho, all taken care of, YOU HEAR ME! STOP CROUCHING ON MY BEDPOST, YOU DAMNED TENEBROUS HARPY OF UNFULFILLED EXPECTATIONS! IT’S OVER! OVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Sorry about that. Anyway, check your email if you Kickstarted TINSEL RAIN early. If it doesn’t go through, or you were supposed to, and didn’t, let me know and I’ll hook you up.


Trying to decide this year’s Kickstarter project.

GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be paid for out of existing funds, and so will COVENANTS. Those are fine. But if I want to get another thing out this year, I will need to crowdfund it. So far, my two options are:

  • TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, VOLUME 2. Pros: stories! The first volume actually sells pretty well at conventions and so forth, and I already have the sampler to work from. Cons: it’s much more expensive than the other option, and the day may come when I can’t get a Kickstarter to fund.
  • Retail copy, THE FERMI RESOLUTION RPG. Pros: I don’t need much to finish this, in terms of cash! It’s already done at the v.80 level, honestly. Cons: I don’t expect to see many sales out of it. Honestly, a lot of it is going to be for having on the vendor table.

Thoughts? – I’ve already dismissed “Do both,” by the way. I don’t have the time and I don’t have the staff, alas.

Question I’m asking myself: should I Kickstart a DriveThruRPG version of the Fermi Resolution RPG?

I had a consultation with a guy in the industry – like, a paid one and everything – and based on we discussed I could probably swing getting the whole Fermi Resolution RPG up and running for about a grand. Do it through DriveThruRPG, sell it for $15B&W/$25 color. It’s mostly done, and the remaining steps aren’t insurmountable.

The problem is: I’ve already distributed a working copy of the game to my Kickstarter backers (I’d make sure they got clean PDFs of the finished version), so I don’t know if it would fund. I also don’t know how many I’d sell, although honestly having it on the vendor table would be useful in other ways. Anybody have any thoughts on the subject?

Don’t have a title for this yet.

I woke up last night with a sudden image in my head, and came right down to write it out. Then I went back to bed. I woke up this morning with another sudden image in my head, came right down to write it out – and it turned out to be absolute crap. …Ach, well, one out of two fever-dreams panning out isn’t half bad.

Continue reading Don’t have a title for this yet.

Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower is on Kindle Super-Sale!

Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower is only 99 cents for the next week! Set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS and MORGAN BAROD, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas. You won’t need it to appreciate the upcoming TINSEL RAIN, but it won’t hurt!


Welp, that’s the last of the first wave of FERMI RESOLUTION RPG edits done.

I should be get the rules edits by the end of the month, not to mention the rest of the art. After that, I can send the project back, have my layout designer clean up everything, and then… it’ll be done! And praise God.

A slightly spoilerific sample page after the fold. The final language will change, mind.

Continue reading Welp, that’s the last of the first wave of FERMI RESOLUTION RPG edits done.

Finishing up what edits I need to for the worldbook.

Mostly so that I don’t have it hanging over my head when I finally get the rest of the stuff. The edits to the rules language and the new art work will be fairly significant, and I don’t want to feel oppressed when it comes time to integrate them into the RPG. Besides, it’s somewhat satisfying to see the work progress. I’ve wanted the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook off of my to-do list for a while now.