My panel for RisuCon got approved!

This should be fun: I proposed doing a panel called “So You Want to Do a Kickstarter” for RisuCon, and I just got back confirmation that it’s been approved. I’m looking forward to it. With four successful Kickstarters under my belt and a fifth one being fulfilled now, I think I can at least offer some basic advice to people looking to do their own crowdfunding*. Plus, I’m still at the ‘panels are fun’ stage of all of this. Always happy to sit up there and talk away for a while.

*As always, if you’re just joining us now then go read “Kickstarter Math Is Weird” and Business for the Right-Brained. They’ve both been very handy for me. Hopefully, they will be for you, too.


Just signed up for RisuCon!

RisuCon is a “comic, anime, and cosplay convention in Montgomery County, Maryland” that’s going on August 17th and 18th, 2024. I think that I can sell a book or two, there. Well, obviously I would prefer to sell at least twenty. Comic-cons are usually pretty good venues for me, so here’s hoping!

Moe Lane

PS: Can’t wait? Buy my books! …For real. I gotta pay table fees in advance.