Tweet of the Day, They Sent Lawyers, Guns, And Money edition.

And, indeed, the ordure is about to hit the winnowing blade.

Via @KateDrawsComics, and more here. Note, however, that this case involves musical catalogues, and that Sony, Universal, and Warner are no doubt willing to negotiate a payoff (and licensing fees). Does that make this a pointless lawsuit? …Not really, because it’ll establish that ‘fair use’ does not extend this far. And that will help immensely with all the other anti-AI lawsuits out there.

Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Context edition.

I mean, you’ll be able to puzzle it out on your own, but I feel no urge to scribble a mustache on this particular work of art.

Tweet of the Day, IYKYK edition.

If you don’t know: rest assured, it’s hilarious. But… maybe you shouldn’t delve too deeply on this one, shall we say? I treasure whatever innocence my readers still retain, after so long in this Fallen world of ours.

Tweet of the Day, “U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!”

It may be close to the Line, but I am indulging myself, just this one time. People are going to do what they’re going to do, and then we’re gonna do what we’re gonna do. God bless America.

Tweet of the Day, We Need An Iconic Logo edition.

AI-free logos are a good idea, but I’m not loving the current graphic options. Not intuitive enough.

Tweet of the Day, GODZILLA MINUS ONE About To Hit American Streaming? edition.


No word on when we get the actual DVD. I, obviously, require the actual DVD. They can’t actually mess with physical media, once it’s been sold.

Tweet of the Day, I Will Allow It… edition.

…but there will have to be conditions.

Primarily… well. You all know my opinion on this.

Via @BlkCrownAuthor.

Moe Lane

PS: I know the odds are nil that they will do it that way. Believe me, I have come to terms with the fact that Hollywood isn’t as good at ideas as I am…

Tweet of the Day, There’s A Story In There edition.

One I don’t have time to write.

Tweet of the Day, When You Should NOT Seek Forgiveness Instead Of Permission edition.

To wit: when the person you’re trying to impose on can afford a metric [expletive deleted]ton of vicious attack lawyers. (Via @IMAO_)

One hopes that this is not the end of the matter.