Today is the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

A great achievement for my country, and all of humanity. A glorious moment in history. And it was responsible for two utterly satisfying bits of video footage.

Here’s the other one.

Tweet of the Day, Buzz Aldrin Continues To Enjoy The Heck Out Of His Life edition.

Hey, man, no biggie.  Just Buzz Aldrin taking a couple of jets and flying with some other fighter jocks right past the launchpad Elon Musk’s using.  You know, the launchpad Aldrin used to go to the Moon.

Ain’t bragging if you can do it, I guess.

Two classic moon landing-related videos.

First, of course, is this. This is the important one. This is the one you should watch.

You don’t have to click on the full page for the second one… Continue reading Two classic moon landing-related videos.

Note that Buzz Aldrin has drawn a line on the sand wrt your memories of the Apollo 11 landing.

I know what he said

…but it’s a trap for the conspiracy theorists. Cross the aforementioned line at your peril.

…You would think that would stop being funny.

Jule 20th, 1969. The Eagle has landed.

…no, wait, I already commemorated the launch and landing. So let’s segue instead to one of the legendary Apollo-related YouTube clips:

This would be the point when people posting this video are supposed to make the disclaimer that they don’t approve of this sort of behavior …except, really: there’s something deeply satisfying about watching Buzz Aldrin haul off and pop a Fake Moon Landing conspiracy nut in the nose. It’s probably also a lot more effective than the guys from Mythbusters going on the air tonight to explain yet again to the lunatics that yes, really, we went to the Moon.

Well, if the choice is between having them Expressing the Crazy and merely brooding about it, I vote for having them brood about it.  They’re unlikely to be violent about it when they snap.

Moe Lane