Apparently it’s all about high-frequency sounds?
Okay, you're not crazy. If you can hear high freqs, you probably hear "yanny", but you *might* hear "laurel". If you can't hear high freqs, you probably hear laurel. Here's what it sounds like without high/low freqs. RT so we can avoid the whole dress situation. #yanny #laurel 🙄
— Dylan Bennett (@MBoffin) May 16, 2018
My hearing isn’t great with high frequencies, and I definitely hear ‘laurel,’ not ‘yanni.’ I’m ready to accept this as a tentative answer to the controversy. Or, well, micro-fad.
Same issues here: a crap production values.
The dress picture was horribly overexposed. This illusion is dependent on crushed audio range.
I hear Yanni, which is at least somewhat surprising to me as I was never particularly protective of my hearing in my younger days (although I was never a concert goer in my youth either, which I suspect is a major factor).
I don’t care.
I don’t care if it’s Yanni or Laurel.
I don’t care if it’s black/blue or gold/white.
I don’t care if the royals marry.
I do care that Rick and Morty got picked up for another several seasons .. mostly because they’ve attracted a wildly socially maladapted fanbase and it’s fun to watch.
Are you saying that the fanbase is fun to watch or that the show is fun to watch. There is a bit of grammatical ambiguity in your statement.
::cat notes that he likes having posting privileges here::
Yes, the fanbase is hilarious .. did you see how they shouted down McDonalds?
Yes, the show is better than it really has any right to be.
Yes, the prior post did have grammatical ambiguity .. and it was on purpose.