Super tangential comment, but I wonder how many people truly notice (and appreciate) the difference 4K video makes.
When I upgraded our internet so I could watch YT at higher than 360p resolution, I was a little surprised to find I didn’t notice any difference between 480p and 1080 on my (admittedly not huge) computer monitor.
Maybe people who have a giant wall covering TV? But even then, who needs to see the dermatological details of the actors on the screen?
Anyway, that’s my rant. Guess I’ll be quite till I have another 2ยข saved up
Super tangential comment, but I wonder how many people truly notice (and appreciate) the difference 4K video makes.
When I upgraded our internet so I could watch YT at higher than 360p resolution, I was a little surprised to find I didn’t notice any difference between 480p and 1080 on my (admittedly not huge) computer monitor.
Maybe people who have a giant wall covering TV? But even then, who needs to see the dermatological details of the actors on the screen?
Anyway, that’s my rant. Guess I’ll be quite till I have another 2ยข saved up