I know that sounds mysterious, but it's not, really: I'm merely working on refining my online presence a bit. Details to follow.
She got the news this morning. Poeta Atlantiae is a Kingdom Notable position in the Kingdom of Atlantia in the SCA; it's not King's or Queen's Bard, but it's on the level of either. Essentially, she's the Royal Poet instead...
Just the link: Looking for Darla Link and image: Just the image: Looks like a fun book, btw. Cthulhu Noir.
No, really. Via (TeleriB)So I wrote this. If you like it: no applause, just throw money.Macbeth 2: A SonnetThe Bard, of course, was far too couth a soulTo use coarse, common clay when baking bricksWith which to make the Art...
I didn't notice, really, because I have NoScript loaded on my machine now.Much as I'd love people to give me money to get rid of the advertising, it's probably better if you just get that program.
And tomorrow is another year.
So true, so true: I was there when he realized the true purpose of the Dungeon Master's screen, which is to uphold the beautiful lie that a system, even a system with embedded randomness, is at play. This may have...
Services for Maurice Lane Jr, will be held on Saturday, December 27, 2008, at Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church, 705 Second Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ, at 10AM. A light repast will be served at Mount Carmel Youth Center, Center Avenue...
My father passed away early this morning after sudden complications in his treatment at Mt Sinai Hospital in NYC. As most of you know, his health has not been good for the last several years, so we were at least...
The map is for Alfheim, which is part of the "The Nine Worlds" AH setting that appears in both GURPS WWII: Weird War II and GURPS Infinite Worlds: Lost Worlds. For those without either book - and you should own...