Exciting day today, all in all.

Not necessarily the bad day that some would fear/hope it to be, but definitely a day. So how to end it?

Well, Stacy has the right idea, but he’s got to learn how to package it better. You can’t just tell ’em; you gotta show ’em.

Whole Lotta Love

Get ’em by the brainstem, just like the Jesuits say you should.

OK, they don’t say that, but that’s because you can’t really say that in Attic Greek.

I think.

One thought on “Exciting day today, all in all.”

  1. I was in the middle of texting and tweeting friends and relatives about this whole Specter thing when I got a call from my girlfriend in Toledo:

    GF:”I’m okay, don’t watch the news.”
    Me:”Oh, I already know.”
    GF:”Oh… Well don’t worry, SWAT is here and we’re on lockdown.”
    Me:”Good… Wait, what?”

    So yeah, exciting day, all in all.

    AP story for background here: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gi9Vs3PoDrVN-4dIuvOWnmD0OyuAD97RMSQG0

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