Well, at least we know it’s not Jodi Rell.

But who is ‘Governor X?’

Via @JamesRichardson appears the story that is probably prompting a variety of quiet phone calls right this minute.

Eliot Spitzer not my only governor – hooker who worked for Kristin Davis

In March, we told you about a high-end escort who claimed that former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer had gotten overly aggressive during some kinky role-play (a charge Spitzer’s lawyer called “outrageous and defamatory”).

Now the elegant blond courtesan, whom we’ll continue to call “Annie,” is talking about three “dates” she allegedly had with another state’s chief executive, who we’ll call Gov. X.

Fortunately, there’s a dearth of male, Republican governors of states within reasonable driving distance of NYC, although I suppose that the metropolis might add the luster of its name to its brand of working girls. Back in the Pataki/Giuliani days, it certainly did to everything else…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

3 thoughts on “Well, at least we know it’s not Jodi Rell.”

  1. The tell-tale sign it likely isn’t a Republican (unless Mark Sanford has been in the Tri-State area in the last few years): The gossip-mongers who wrote the story didn’t mention a party.

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