Aren’t we supposed to be having a full and frank discussion on this sort of thing?
I mean, I wouldn’t want to get referenced during the casual race-baiting of the Governor of New York either, but it happened. Heck, it happened to me, too – at least, in the sense that I’m one of the amorphous mass of people being accused 0f racism because we think that David Paterson is an incompetent dunderhead*.
Unlike the President, however, I don’t have aides that can call up the governor for me and complain, then leak that they did to the New York Post – and thus trying to have it both ways. It must be nice…
Moe Lane
*Which Paterson is. He can’t even interpret his own state’s constitution properly.
Crossposted to RedState.
*Which Paterson is. He can’t even interpret his own state’s constitution properly.
Not limited to Paterson. ALL of the current crop and ALL of the dims from the 1930’s on should be included in this group.