The Democrat’s not exactly running rampant, there.
The 2nd quarter results are in for Rob Portman (R) and Lee Fisher (d), and it’s not… actually, it’s quite pretty. Portman brought in almost three times as much cash (2.65 million vs. 1 million) and has an almost nine-to-one advantage in cash-on-hand right now (8.8 million to 1 million). I originally got the latter’s details via email: for some reason, Fisher isn’t bragging about his inadequate performance on his own site. As to whether his campaign’s enervated financial state will translate to a loss this November, well, Fisher’s own pleas from earlier say it all:
“Potential supporters will look at our next contribution report to measure our campaign’s readiness and decide whether they want to step onto the field or sit on the sidelines this fall,” he wrote in email June 29, one day before his second quarter fund-raising report closed.
So true, so true.
Moe Lane
And if you think that the national Democratic committee can strengthen Fisher:
…well, I encourage the DSCC to spend half of its war chest on getting Fisher up. Nay: if I were a Democrat, I would practically beg them to do it. After all, it’s not like they have any other contested races to worry about.
Crossposted to RedState.