Umm. Did Mass Effect *I* require an internet connection…

…to play?  I ask because I just got my copy of Mass Effect, and it seems to be requiring that.

Bear in mind, obviously I have an internet connection; and I’m only playing it to build my Adept up and give her all the cool options for Mass Effect 2… so that I can have a really cool character for Mass Effect 3.  Hmm.  I’m starting to detect a pattern of addiction, here.  Anyway, I can obviously play ME even if I need Net access; but was this a usual feature of the first game?

5 thoughts on “Umm. Did Mass Effect *I* require an internet connection…”

  1. Yup. Welcome to the world of DRM. All hail Steam the ultimate way to make you pay full price for a rental.

  2. On the other hand, Steam offers crazy sales from time to time where you can get games for rental prices, so it evens out. 🙂

  3. I’m still steamed (heh) that I can’t even buy Civ V in the store without it being tied to Steam’s servers in order to be playable, ever.

    Won’t buy it.

  4. Of course, as DRM goes, Steam is just about the least offensive out there, as long as the publisher/developer didn’t stack on another layer. And it gives me the benefit (usually) of installing on every machine I have. But ME 1 and ME2 were designed for consoles primarily, so I played them on the 360.

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