Readers of RedState are, of course, aware that several days ago Hamas terrorists used their occupation of the Gaza Strip as a base from which to launch brutal attacks on Israel. This unprovoked and obscene attack was of course condemned by anybody with a lick of moral sense… including, superficially, Kate Marshall, who is the Democratic candidate in the NV-02 special election next month. Alas, I have to say ‘superficially’ because Marshall’s actually making this statement for purely political reasons.
You see, Israel has been in the news lately, and will be even more in the news with Beck’s “Rally to Restore Courage” in Jerusalem. In an R district, it will be useful to express support for Israel and demonstrate some foreign policy prowess while it is a timely topic – especially for people who are likely paying attention to Beck’s event… What was that? That statement finally reveals me to be a cynical partisan hack, once and for all? Well, I am a partisan hack, yes.
I’m also quoting Kate Marshall there word-for-word.
Background: Israel has been in the news lately, and will be even more in the news with Beck’s “Rally to Restore Courage” in Jerusalem. In an R district, it will be useful to express support for Israel and demonstrate some foreign policy prowess while it is a timely topic – especially for people who are likely paying attention to Beck’s event.
Note that I wasn’t joking about the word-for-word part. You see, the multidimensional geniuses that run the Marshall campaign managed somehow to send off a press release about Kate Marshall’s support of Israel that included an explanation to their own candidate about why she needs to support Israel. I mean, it’s not like she needs to explain to the voters in NV-02 why they need to support Israel! They’re Republicans! They already know! They don’t need to explain it to the press, either! The press already knows, too: a lot of the members of the press don’t necessarily agree, but they all know – and the ones that don’t agree typically want the Democrat to win anyway! And they don’t need to explain it to Democratic voters, for precisely the same combination of not-vile and vile reasons! Nope, I’m sorry: the most reasonable interpretation of the situation is that this was to get Kate Marshall herself up to speed. Which is… an incredibly depressing, if at least mildly searing, indictment of the Democratic party leadership’s priorities, if not their basic morality. Because, remember: Kate Marshall is supposed to be one of their good recruits.
Exit question: what other little notes does Marshall need to have given to her on a regular basis in order to keep track of what’s she’s expected to believe? Is there one for ‘jobs are good?’ ‘Babies are nice?’ ‘The sun rises in the east?’ The mind frankly reels.
Moe Lane
PS: Mark Amodei for Congress. Can support Israel without a crib sheet.