#rsrh Chart of the Day, This Deal Just Keeps Getting Worse edition.

As God is my witness: I never thought that it would get this bad.

I thought that after it was clear that the stimulus didn’t work, the Democrats would see sense.  I thought that after it was clear that the country wanted the government to concentrate on economic recovery, the Democrats would see sense.  I thought that when the American people went out and spanked the Democrats in 2010 like Romney spanked Obama at the last debate, the Democrats would see sense.

But they didn’t.

So vote every Democrat out that you possibly can.  Down to bedrock.

3 thoughts on “#rsrh Chart of the Day, This Deal Just Keeps Getting Worse edition.”

  1. Then get out the damn jackhammer. In the name of all that is Holy, command them all to BE GONE.

  2. Unasked question .. how much can O alter the deal between November and January?
    p.s. if Moe would allow images and if I could find one of Darth Vader run through the Obamify-me tool, it would be here. Please use your imagination.

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