RedState Interview: Kevin Raye (R CAND, ME-02).

Maine is… interesting, this cycle.  The state as a whole is very likely going to go to Barack Obama: but ME-02 is generally considered to be more accessible to Romney.  This matters because Maine assigns its Electoral Votes by who wins its two Congressional Districts (with two going to the statewide winner): combine that with a legitimate candidate in ME-02 itself, and you have yourself a race.  Kevin Raye fits the bill: he’s the current Maine State Senate President, former chief of staff for Olympia Snowe, and has just now  picked up endorsements from two of the largest newspapers in Maine (including, surprisingly, the largest: the Obama-endorsing Bangor Daily News). He is making a race of it, in other words.

Kevin and I spoke for a bit this morning:

Kevin’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

One thought on “RedState Interview: Kevin Raye (R CAND, ME-02).”

  1. Raye has a very good chance of winning. I only wish I felt that way about the 1st district where I live. Jon Courtney (the current State Senate Majority Leader) would be a great rep to send to DC but ME-01 is a bit on the moonbat end of the political spectrum.

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