I am going to be blunt about recalling Senators.

This specific bad idea is courtesy of Hot Air: apparently people want to recall Marco Rubio (:shaking head: I told you guys, no Senators.  I did!) over immigration.  This is the checklist that you have to go through, to recall Marco Rubio:

  1. Pass a Constitutional amendment in Congress that would permit states to recall federal legislators.  ANYBODY WHO IS TELLING YOU THAT THIS IS NOT A NECESSARY STEP IS EITHER WRONG, OR PERNICIOUS.  You will be able to tell which by whether or not that person is asking for your credit card number.
  2. Have that Constitutional amendment get ratified by the states.
  3. Pass legislation in Florida that would give the state the ability to recall federal legislators.
  4. Start a recall on Marco Rubio.
  5. Have it succeed.
  6. Win the resulting recall election.

Congratulations! It’s 2030.  While people were trying to do all of that, Marco Rubio served two full terms as Senator, then quit to run for Florida Governor in 2026. In fact, he signed that very legislation mentioned in #3, with a wry chuckle and a hearty thank-you for all the Republicans that jumped through hoops to do this instead of, I don’t know, actually finding a suitable replacement for Rubio in the 2016 and 2022 Senatorial elections.

I personally am not overly upset that Marco Rubio is a politician, and that politicians lie.  Neither am I upset that people want to hold him accountable for that.  What does upset me is when people want to take shortcuts and call it “activism.”  There is no practical substitute for the established process; if we had one, it’d probably be the established process. So if you want to get rid of a politician, you’re just going to have to do it the hard way.

Sorry about that.

Moe Lane

7 thoughts on “I am going to be blunt about recalling Senators.”

  1. I hate recalls. I don’t support them. At all.
    I’m also still very supportive of Marco Rubio and will vote for him again.

  2. I’d probably take a different tack on this, to (potentially) avoid constitutional problems. I’d try and get a law passed that would allow someone to be declared ineligible to run, going forward. This _should_ be constitutional, while the constitution sets some minimum eligibility requirements, it explicitly lets the states determine the ‘time, place, and manner of holding elections’, which this would seem to fall under.

    That would let Senators know they have their entire term, but if they tick off their constituency enough at any one time during the six years, they might be done.

    I’m not saying I’d do this to Rubio – he hasn’t gone quite that far yet, for me anyways, if I was in Florida. But I do think that he should be primaried, and that the ‘lying liar who lied to you’ commercials would absolutely be appropriate.

  3. Well, I am quite supportive of recalls at both the state and federal levels. In fact, I believe there’s already one scheduled for Sen. Rubio. It’s called the 2016 primary election.
    That is why we have primary and general elections, right? To bring back people that we no longer want representing us and replace them with new people? See…so it’s just like a recall. In fact, that’s what it is.
    Oh, you meant there were people who wanted to do that now? Well. I can see that there’s no shortage of snowflakes in the Republican Party either.

  4. Meh. Rubio appears to have decided his ethnicity means more to him than his citizenship. I don’t think he should be in office at all.

  5. forget the recall bluster. Rubio had planned to to be the Republican/Tea Party, standard bearer of the future. He wanted and expected the nomination for the next presidential race. When we deny him these things, he will have gotten his, that is all that needs to be done.

    Good intentions, occasional pats on the back from the MSM and Democrats will help him in some ways, he will be invited to the “right” Georgetown parties, he will get a perma-seat on the Sunday Talk Shows. Good for him.

    What he will not get is a sufficient number of Republicans to vote for him in the primaries. So he will not be our candidate for president. He took a gamble; one that he likely believed he had to take. The gamble did not work, he had to jump through too many hoops, glad hand with Chuck SChumer and Reid, AND somehow convince us we are all wrong about things. That was a bridge too far, and why he will not be our party’s nominee for president.

  6. This, to me, shows a few things:

    A) The TP overreacted to Rubio, proclaiming him a conservative god and our next President over a few nice speeches. He wasn’t vetted and he didn’t have experience, but it didn’t matter…he was pretty, he talked good, he said the right things. (sound familiar?)

    B) Rubio either was confident we would never push him from the lofty perch we’d set him on, or truly felt strongly that a bipartisan approach on immigration was the way to go.

    C) As soon as he showed a sign of being “less than pure”, the same people who worshiped him turned on him. There was very little attempt to hear his side – he was proclaimed a nobody as fast as he’d been called god.

    D) Rubio has likely seen the light. Why be a Tea Party conservative under these circumstances?

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